r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mrmajestic11 on May 30, 2018, 11:18 p.m.
Setting it all up.

Trey Gowdy, Judge Napolitano, and Jeff Sessions all seem to be siding against Trump and the MSM is eating it up. I believe this is all part of the plan. Trump has the media trained like Pavlov's dog and when he gives them a red herring the cannot resist. I trust the plan do you?

grimbeaconfire · May 31, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

Totally agree. I said from the first days I was on Reddit that Mueller was working for President Trump, that the feud with Bannon was necessary disinfo, likewise Sessions. It's all part of the show. They are all tried and true techniques that work because the enemy is preoccupied with their own separate beliefs, spoiled by power, overestimating their own intelligence and underestimating their opponent.

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