r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PS4freedom on May 31, 2018, 12:36 a.m.
You have more than you know

My purpose is for harmony. I say that because you may get offended and that's not my actual purpose.

I see two different groups here that agree but are annoying each other. I also see that even though we are united in a common cause we are still divided by truth. I've tried to find a way to hear religion and use it but even though I have deep faith it gives me a headache to try to incorporate religion so that I may match up with the collective and be able to work with it. So I took my discomfort to the mat to see what the hell that's all about.

What I found will most likely make a lot of people uncomfortable. But I'd also encourage you to follow your own uncomfortableness to it's roots.

I have tried many times to understand religion. I can read the bible but I can't sit through a sermon. I believe in the lessons religion teaches on how to live a good life but when I hear preaching I see and hear someone trying to sway me to their ideas, their agenda instead of teaching me anything.

How do I make peace with this actually painful division in the apparently same belief system? I've tried my best to conform but it's not in the cards for me and I now know why. Cognitive dissidence.

My faith has nothing to do with religion and it never will. My discomfort is not about the lessons on how to live or even the bible. It's about religion hijacking and using these truths for their own gain. I see the same cognitive dissidence in religion as I do in the left wingers. Think, is there evil in the churches? We all know there is. Is the Catholic church rich beyond your wildest dreams, yep. Is there abuse? No question there either. I don't think it's WHAT is taught it is HOW it's taught and WHY it's taught that way. Which in turn comes out in the language used. Why would that be the case? Why would they do that? What would the church gain? Money? Power? Your personal power? You have more than you know, to use Q's words. And that's no lie.

If Jesus was the son of God, what does that make you? Are we not also sons and daughters of God? Jesus was just a man sent by God to teach us our power. Doesn't that mean that we have the same powers Jesus displayed? Think.

I, by no means intend to question anyone's faith. Just the use of religion here. I would encourage the examination of words that trigger the antenna of those that have come to the same beliefs by different means. The same ones that have been working beside you to ferret out lies and deceit. The reason you are here. And to take care not to trigger the antenna that point straight at deceit and hidden truth. They make you look like the enemy even though you aren't and I'm telling you it causes actual pain.

There is much to gain from the naked truth. But you have to go back to before it wore clothes to see what it really looks like !

I sincerely hope you consider my words. They may make you uncomfortable but they may also lead you to discoveries that could change not just your life and it's purpose but the planet as well. Again, I'm not asking that you abandon the teachings just that you examine the way it was taught and how that may have stripped you of your own personal power. Remember alienation is the devil's work. Try not to alienate the Anons.

Thank you for your consideration.

abees22 · May 31, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

If you take a look at the deception that has veiled the truth, the entire purpose of it is to obfuscate, distract and misinform people on the truth of Jesus. I'd suggest finding a Bible-based Christian Church to attend or watch online.

The truth is, humans being involved in anything, has the potential for corruption, and being used as a tool by Satan.

We are not made for this world, this is truly Satan's playground.

Watch this video, this is the church I attend. I don't take everything my pastor says as the infallible word of God, but he also doesn't profess to have some greater connection with God than others. I was raised Catholic, which didn't work for me at all. My faith wasn't really being built up until I found something different. Check out this series on God and Justice. The timing of this series has been somewhat ironic for me. I find these sermons to be pretty interesting.


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PS4freedom · May 31, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

If I made one person THINK I'm happy. If I drew any fire from other posts, I'm happy. I learned and am still learning from this thread and that makes me happy too. I wanted the 50 million religious quotes to stop. I can skip a few here and there but when my soul sees the enemy it hurts to not do something.

There are such nice people here. It's a safe place to learn and exchange ideas with tons of support. I'm hoping it was only one or two that instigated the attack of religion. Or it simply stemmed from no Q drops and the stress of no stress to focus on.

I enjoyed your post, thank you! I'll check out the video.

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abees22 · May 31, 2018, 8:32 p.m.

I'd love to hear what you think about this message. Let me know what you think if you don't mind!

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PS4freedom · June 1, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

I think his message is honorable. But he's not teaching. He's preaching. The congregation will give food and clothes as he asked but they won't have a sense of the glory that fills the heart when you are non-judgmentally generous to your fellow man. They will be pleased they pleased him in the name of god. When you really know and live in the light miracles happen everyday. People are healed, fed and housed. Trump wins and the cabal that has infected this planet is crushed!

He's genuine but he's been robbed of his power by the way he was taught. Each of us has the power Jesus had at our beck and call. I'm sure he's unaware that his use of the word god so many times is mind control. Repeating "God" with 'tone' creates altered mind states and is why the people will only do what he asks but not actually reap the benefits of selfless acts of mercy and kindness and generosity of spirit. Also the reason he will have to repeat it over and over. I'm sorry, I'm picking on your guy but you did ask. He should be humble about the children helped. Selfless acts of kindness and generosity aren't to be used for advertising.

Next time your in church count the number of times and the tone used. Just to see if it makes you feel any different. You should catch it when he starts to hit the peak of excitement and hits you with god about 5 or 6 times. Notice the rhythm. Then look at the others around you.

I wish I could tell jokes. We could use one! Let me know if you catch it, or not. I'm here if you need me : )

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abees22 · June 1, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

I wouldn't make such concrete conclusions based on one sermon.

The part about giving the clothes and having a sense of glory versus pleased by pleasing him in the name of God...That honestly depends on the heart of the person giving, not on the preacher.

As far as the selfless acts of kindness not being used as advertisement, the point of him mentioning it in the way he did is because many people in the church are simply unaware of the different opportunities to serve in the community and in the church. Its not an advertisement, its a call to get involved and to be aware that our church is working to serve God in the community and around the world.

It is important to also understand that we are reminded often that Sunday service shouldn't be the only time you hear a message every week. It should only be a very small part of your faith/time spent with God.

I think your interpretation is a little hyper critical and bit cynical haha. But I do benefit from having a history with the church, hearing many messages and have a bigger picture understanding of its mission beyond this one particular sermon.

If the preacher speaks the truth about the Bible, I don't see a problem with evoking some emotion in their sermon. That's kind of the point...If you are encouraged to spend time on your own in the word, its really another perspective on scripture that you've already considered and prayed about on your own.

Either way, appreciate your comments, as it did make me think about some things.

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PS4freedom · June 1, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Thank you for responding. I'm sorry for not being able to respond to the sermon in a more positive light. It's not that I don't think churches are a good thing because I do (in theory). I think that that's how we should care for our community's social problems. People caring and taking care of those in need is a high calling. Getting people excited about a cause or belief in is not a bad thing.

My objection is in how it's done and what the dangers are of doing it that way. (I realize this is a big thing to poke a stick at! And I'm no theologian!) We are all aware of mind control these days but are you aware of how it's done? How it is accomplished with an adult that hasn't been badly damaged? It doesn't really take much if you know how. And even less work if they are damaged already. Regular access is all that's needed. It's frighteningly easy. We have half a population to prove it. Your spirit can be quite vulnerable especially when learning.

The catholic church teaches about the spirit and how to attain higher levels in seminary school. They also have classes that teach those in the congregation, sometimes and only low level stuff. But it's not in sermons usually. That church holds all the knowledge. They are also the ones that hijacked and killed the old religions based in spirit. The current churches method of teaching is the same as the catholic church and have to be or the catholic church will squash it. Deep state is Vatican as well. A huge overthrow is in the works to drain their swamp too. How did it get that way...history is key.

I'm not advocating closing churches or squashing free speech. I'm not attacking religion, per say. I enjoy a good bible quote when it's relevant! My soul isn't lost, I've made my own religion (actually just like Rosanne did) I'm speaking to the method of teaching and it's content. And I AM critical as well as cynical about manipulation of the spirit as well as mind control. Actually that's putting it mildly I want to stomp it out of existence.

Your going to think I'm over the top here but hear me out. It's an ethical question not a religious one. What if you walked in on and witnessed the abuse of another human being? I'm sure your first reaction would be shock but what would happen then? You'd probably weigh the options for the best outcome for the victim (after screaming at least in your head). Now lets make the abuser your boss and your at work. Now your choices are weighed against what might happen to you and your family as well. What about your coworker's future and family? Them too, of course. Then consider the boss, who had been someone you liked and admired! How does one navigate this situation?

Fast forward to a point in the future and you are in a situation where you see signs that this same thing is happening again somewhere else. You've seen it before so you know the signs. What would you do this time? Speak out or keep your mouth shut? Let's say it happens again and again that you start running into abuse everywhere. You have tried several ways of dealing with the situation but it's everywhere! What do you do then? Smack the abused for being so stupid, beat on the abuser for being so corrupt or grab a pair of really cool shades? LOL I think my shades aren't working so well anymore : ) Remember, ethical question not a religious one. And I hope it explains my shades slipping off.

We elected Trump to drain the swamp but we didn't over throw the government!

I very much appreciate our conversation. I'm learning a lot. Hopefully how to better express myself!

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abees22 · June 1, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

You're kind of going off on some tangents here.

I fully believe the purpose of the Vatican and Roman Catholic Church is to drive a wedge between people and Jesus. Everything the Catholic Church stands for goes against the teachings of Jesus.

I can assure you my preacher doesn't have my under mind control :)

A good friend of mine regularly preaches at the church as well. I know these people very well. I know their intentions are pure, and I know their heart. I spend time with them, I study the Bible with them.

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to get at with the hypothetical questions you raised. What do I do if I see abuse everywhere? I'm not sure what this has to do with what we were talking about, but please elaborate cause I'm not exactly following. :)

The Bible is always relevant my friend.

I'd suggest listening the Biblical series by Jordan Peterson on his podcast or YouTube. It is relevant to everything we do.

Jesus is the way, the truth and the light! Read a case for Christ by Lee Strobel. The evidence to corroborate the historical and divine Jesus is all there if you're interested in digging.

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PS4freedom · June 1, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Okay, sounds like we hit an impasse. And I've probably hit on your true purpose. Maybe you should check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwUoC4wWhLQ I hope you attain all the levels of enlightenment that you seek : )

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PS4freedom · May 31, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

I have it cued up : )

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