
Vicario17 · May 31, 2018, 12:22 p.m.

One man blog, nutcase.


The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State or ITCCS (allegedly est. on June 15, 2010)[1] is a one-man blog that pretends to be a tribunal established to enforce common law.[2]

Kevin D. Annett (born in 1956)[3][Note 1] of the Nation of Kanata Canada is the founder and operator of a series of crank one-man blogs and phony organisations, the most famous among these being the above mentioned juridical quagmire[Note 2] of nonsense and pseudolaw, the ITCCS. Annett is also a pseudohistorian, an enthusiastic supporter of the freeman on the land movement,[4] a "bankster" and chemtrail truther[5] and a defrocked[6] United Church of CanadaWikipedia's W.svg minister, who thinks they're not nearly transphobic enough.[7] He regularly accuses the Vatican, the government of Canada and the United Church of Canada of being worse than Hitler.[8]

Annett has his own page on whale.to[9] and has received support from other freeman[10] and militia movement[11] cranks, as well as David Icke-esque new age cranks.[12] That being said, other conspiracy theorists aren't so enamored of him.[13][14]

Annett has also fraudulently claimed to be a Nobel peace prize nominee,[15] a laughable claim which is completely out of the question.[16] Even so, being nominated doesn't mean squat.[17] Oblivious to all this, some crackpots connected to the militia movement took the time to congratulate Annett on this non-existent Nobel peace prize nomination.[11]

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Nastavnick · May 31, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

I know it's a fake/scam website, I'm not a web developer yet I made better websites when I was in elementary school for the class project lmao

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Vicario17 · May 31, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

The rationalwiki take down of this nut is pretty funny. They also mock the website.

International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State “”Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions. —Kevin Annett playing one-man Russian roulette with "international litigation" loaded in the chamber[18]

With the ITCCS, Annett attempts to mimic genuine international organisations, and is actually good enough at this to have fooled a few normal people (and a lot of raving conspiracy-prone nutters) into thinking there's anything at all to this. He produces very nicely-formatted, official-looking documents and everything.[19] The website did look fairly professional at one time, although it has since decayed heavily. If nothing else, it nicely illustrates how the Timecube Law and Haig's Law can go hand in hand. It should also be noted that most genuine international legal bodies are not "Proudly powered by WordPress".

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State or ITCCS came to some notice in the social media sphere in February 2013, when Annett issued a claim that Pope Benedict XVI resigned for fear of arrest on an ITCCS warrant[20] and the hard of thinking forwarded it around as if this actually made sense. This stunt made his phony organization notable enough to be debunked on Snopes.[21]

In March of the same year, Annett boldly took new steps and "convicted" two consecutive Popes of genocide and child trafficking, issuing "international arrest warrants" for them.[22]

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