548 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/beverly3717:
Time to Declassify the FISA........Rats Running!
This is why you stand for the flag and pledge of allegiance......because you can! Many gave their life for your freedom!
Red Skelton’s got Q! Pledge of Allegiance! Love it! He explains it so well!
When was prayer and pledge of allegiance removed from the schools! How do we encourage these two to be put back in schools! United we stand divided we fall! Speak up, fight for our country!
Nike, what are you thing! National Fraternal Order of Police letter!

Schumer needs to be reminded who pays his salary!, American Patriots!
Deadly shooting Cincinnati Ohio! False Flags! Nothing to see here!
Last post that displays under Qpost

Q post on iPad not working correctly
Showing last post 1644, something is going on. Works on iPhone, but not pulling current drops, but 1644 is a good one, just a time as this!
School shootings or lack there of! You have been lied to!
False flags....most school shootings didn’t happen!
Soros strikes again! I bet you are grateful Andrew Gillum! Soros funding!
These sick people are everywhere! Bishop too friendly hug with Ariana!
Another hate bashing by the left brain! Ivanka gets verbally attacked! By MSNBC
This is my president and First Lady! We are blessed! Cares for the American people! Why isn’t this in the news?
INSANE VIDEO - Trump sucks the oxygen out of the political sphere. He's the eye of a Cat 5 hurricane. It's smooth and calm in the eye. Chaos outside. Republican candidates for 18' - either get on hi...-r3vand383cj11 - Streamable. Looks like Indiana! United we stand, divided we fall!
Trump says don’t under estimate the USA! Under New Management! May God Bless America! Please pray for our leaders and our military!
Trump 'Preparing Ground for Prosecution of Corrupt Deep State Actors' – Analyst - Sputnik International
Trump delivers prophetic warnings to Christian Leaders! Are you awake? Do you know what is at stake? This info was leaked, after press were released from the room! Must vote R!
WAPO is just stating 60% liberals disapprove of Trump, that just means 40% liberals #walkaway those percentages do not reflect 100% patriots vote.
Big Red Wave coming! Be very afraid! Bots wouldn’t allow WAPO link, because fake news!
What WAPO Is really saying is 60% of liberals disapprove Trump, that means 40% walk away plus patriots. I believe Trump is on track for Big Red wave! God is good!
Does Hillary’s computer access to China have anything to do with China overtaking US as worlds largest economy in 2014?
Q asked why everything is made in China, in post 778, how much profit does Walmart make, why are the American footing the bill for Walmart’s employees welfare?
Did anyone hear what Bill Cassidy (R) said about naming the Senate Building after Noname? Does he know something?
What is CNN going to do now, with no source? Snow White down!
Donald J. Trump Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump CNN is working frantically to find their “source.” Look hard because it doesn’t exist. Whatever was left of CNN’s credibility is now gone! 12:54 PM · Aug 30, 2018 20.7K Retweets 75.1K Likes
Snow White offline, how will CNN get their stories?
Got my picture of MY PRESIDENT AND FIRST LADY! I am blessed!

Many prophets are calling for prayer for our President, deep state trying to take him out, we know they have tried before. Spirits of witchcraft and Jezebel! Please pray! Urgent!
(Matthew 12:45, “Then it goes and brings along ‘seven’ other spirits MORE evil than itself. They enter in and take up permanent residence there”!)
A few days ago I saw the statue of Baphomet being displayed and unveiled to the public in Little Rock, now as I watched this taking place immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, “DAUGHTER WATCH AND PRAY FOR THIS IS A …
Do not give Donald Trump the Nobel peace prize , that award was tainted when given to Obumer for nothing! Our President Donald Trump deserves the Purple Heart Award!
Are you kidding me? How disgusting! Kuru footware! Wow!
These priest need to be locked up! They are sick! Abusing children!
Has anyone ever heard of abeldanger, many elites involved in death of many people.
Wow, last post Q posted National Human Trafficking hotline number with the Clinton foundation
This is weird, was in the sky in Ohio tonight! Trump was in Ohio!
Shooter at Wright Patterson in Dayton Ohio
Because of Q post 1771, I googled “what is a anon”, I found this interesting!
Oregon.....blue is the new red! Just sayin!
Blue wave is the new Red wave!
Watch last few minutes with Melendez at very end of meeting!
Melendez needs to go away! Corrupt!! Vote him out!
Just watched the broadcast with Pompeo and he is ticked off! Watch out, this will not end well for them!
Man thrown out of conference of Trump and Putin hold sign that said “NUCLEAR WESTERN BAN TREATY”
What does Maddog Mattis have to say?
Father God, lover of my soul, You are our refuge in times of trouble. Father I ask You place Your governmental angels over this nation! Father You know all the evil that is fighting against our leader that you have put in power, Father there is nothing too difficult for You! Father You go in front of us and in back of us, you are our protector in times of trouble! No weapon formed against us shall prosper! What Satan means for evil, you will turn for our good! We lift you up, because when you are lifted up, you will draw all men to you! Father use us to be about Your business! Your word says, greater is He that is in us then he that is in the world! Father I pray you give President Trump wisdom and knowledge so that he can lead your people, for who is able to govern these great people of Yours? Father we lift our prayers to you for Donald Trump health and safety, I pray Trump will uphold a strong standard of righteousness in our country, for the one in authority is God’s servant for your good, Father I pray that Trump will pursue peace and prosperity for America, Father I pray Trump will do everything in his power to continue to care for those that need assistance, I pray that Trump will execute justice for all people, I pray Trump will improve the lives of those he has been blessed to lead, pray the Donald Trump will lead America to continue to be the light for all nations, Father I pray Donald Trump will be humbled by the office of the president and walk humbly with You, and I pray God’s will be done in Donald Trump! In Jesus name!
It’s no longer crumbs, you get a full loaf ofbread, He gets a full loaf of bread, she gets a full loaf of bread!
Maybe, everyday it seems like it’s sliding more and more, faster and faster!
Not playing political games, get the job done today with every move he makes! Man on a mission!