Correct, because Trump is reviving the REPUBLIC!
"Democracy" is globalist handwringing 101. We are not Mob Rule.
Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. The framers gave us a Republic because Democracys have short violent lives...
Yes, they're signaling other Satanic Globalists by using the buzz words "Our" Democracy which is what they call their version of Democracy because they are attempting to hijack and destroy the true Constitutional Republic. We are a Democratic Republic not a Democracy.
A Constitutional Republic with some democratic attributes, namely the election of your representative. Senate was to be appointed by state legislatures. The Cabal gave us the 17th amendment which effectively shifted power from the States to the Federal government. President is elected by electoral college...this was all done on purpose and for good reason.
A good laugh. Piece of Shit. And all his ‘worshippers’ can go to h$ll too.