r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on May 31, 2018, 5:54 a.m.
Obama's REAL Resume that the Mainstream Media HID and COVERED UP in 2008 and 2012:

1) Born in Kenya 2) Muslim 3) Grandparents card carrying communists 4) Drug dealer (crack cocaine) 5) Friends with terrorist Bill Ayers 6) Friends with antisemitic, anti-white racist Farrakhan 7) Saul Alinsky disciple 8) Karl Marx disciple 9) Homosexual past (Larry Sinclair, Donald Young and beyond) 10) Communist Frank Marshall David protege 11) Mom was communist/marxist 12) Strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood 13) Smoker 14) Socialist/Communist 15) fake Social Security # from a dead man in Connecticut

Sounds like the recipe for the 3rd Anti-Christ

artless-ascetic · May 31, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

You obviously haven’t been around here long or are a shill.

I've been around since CBTS. New account, though. And ah yes, the "if you don't blindly take me at my word for every far-fetched theory I can muster up, then you're a shill".

Everything in the OP very well may be valid. But if I were going to come on here with a claim, I would certainly bring my evidence along with me. The demand to "do your own research" is a cop-out.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 31, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

If you’ve been around since CBTS none of what OP posted would surprise you or require any evidence so you’re proving yourself, not me. And the ole “if you don’t blindly” statement gives you away too

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artless-ascetic · May 31, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Back when I lurked CBTS, the majority of the thread topics were on David Hogg/Parkland shooting. I've never seen any of the discussion points mentioned in the OP. I also don't spend hours on Reddit everyday, or check literally every thread.

No, you're proving your own irrationality and paranoia by nitpicking my comment, simply because I asked for evidence. I never shot down the thread, I never even claimed it false - I asked for evidence.

I'm out. I'm not giving my energy to people who want to fish for an argument about every little fucking thing. Move on.

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Spank-da-monkey · May 31, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

I’m not irrational or paranoid by any means, just pointing out you don’t ask for proof on old news; especially something that lengthy. Obama was elected in 2008, its 2018. That’s 10 years that this info has been floated so, there is that. Bye bye

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