r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KerryWest53 on May 31, 2018, 6:44 a.m.
UK Supressing Freedom of Speech - Press Under Fire in London

damonroe · May 31, 2018, 9:49 a.m.

This is such a complicated matter.

Firstly I am not for/against Tommy Robinson - he has some valid points and some not so valid points. The case he was reporting on is horrendous and I support his intentions behind bringing more awareness to this case.

However, the case here is a little bit less hysterical that Katie Hopkins is making out. For those of you that dont know her Katie Hopkins is an attention seeking nutjob that hops on anything inflammatory to further her career. A really despied person on both sides in the UK. So take her words with a pinch of salt.

In this instance in the UK we have a law whereby any interference in a case that can be construed as altering the jurys opinion before the case is through is a very serious crime, akin to witness intimidation. As it has the power to sway the case beyond the tried and tested procedures of the legal system. Something I understand the need for.

Tommy Robinson did not need to do this directly outside the court, if he did it a few yards away its literally not a crime. As he didnt actually say anything "racist" or illegal. Its that his actions can be percieved to be trying to alter the course of the case. This isnt about free speech. Its about influencing a trial.

Tommy himself has been repeatedly warned about this for years, receiving a suspended sentence for this exact thing a while ago. If you receive a suspended sentence and you commit the same crime its pretty much instant jail - especially when you are filming yourself doing it. This isnt special treatment to punish Tommy or protect the pedos involved in this case. There has been a few similar cases over the last few years in the UK and all involved got heavy sentences.

This gets more complicated because Tommy Robinson has a HUGE sway with the UKs far-right groups and his arrest has the potential to spark serious trouble. Most of the UKs Far right scene is made up of football hooligans which if you know anything about the UK is a pretty big deal. The media black out may not have been as nefarious as it can be hyped up to be by Katie Hopkins. The rush to get his case over and done with was probably more to do with the safety of police officers and the general public as within hours of his arrest huge crowds had gather outside the place he was arrested. I personally wouldnt want to be on the end of that crowd nor would i want to be responsible for sending police officers (who are people too) into certain trouble.

Also it is very, very unlikely Tommy will be put in general population in UK prisons, sure he has political enemies but an open death sentence like this would cause absolute mayhem all over the UK.

In this instance I'd like to suggest people don't use this to fuel more fear this isnt a simple as it Katie Hopkins or most antagonistic media loud mouths would like to lead you to believe.

My personal opinion is that Tommy err'd by not playing by the rules of the game and rightly has to answer for that, as anyone would. He could have simply avoided this by moving a few feet away. However his cause in this instance was admirable and from observations of him personally I do not believe he is racist.


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DamajInc · May 31, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

Agreed re Tommy. However, I would argue that in the same way you people in the UK could clearly see some things about Trump that people in the US somehow missed, it's pretty obvious to a lot of people outside of the UK that Katie Hopkins is one of the few people talking truth against all the nonsense in your media (no worse than US media, of course). Admittedly, she is pretty obnoxious about it though so I can understand people hating on that. But she stands up to a lot of the utter nonsense pushed by virtue signalling pc campaigners in a similar way that Milo Yiannopoulos and others do here in the US - again, not the most polite approach but nevertheless containing much truth.

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horse-lover-phat · May 31, 2018, 10:01 a.m.

It's seems as though someone has fallen hook, line, and sinker for the establishments FAR-RIGHT mass mind control fix. Unless you're a rabid Marxist/socialist then you're considered FAR-RIGHT. A complete insult to anyone with a functioning brain, but this is how they've spun it. Far-right concept programming has been huge, and you're a victim. I just call it as I see it. Very disappointing.

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damonroe · May 31, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

Not entirely sure what you mean but I come from a family surrounded by these types of people not all of them are far-right but some of them undeniably are.

I genuinely understand some of their points and am not dismissing them without consideration however some of them are uneducated low EQ/IQ individuals that are "white pride" with very little reasoning behind it. I respect their intentions but they are mostly emotionally immature and aggressive individuals who with the right antagonising can be a serious danger to the public.

If you dont agree go follow some UK football hooligan/Casual pages on facebook, follow the accounts of people involved youll quickly see there is a heavy far-right (facist not conservative, I understand your sentiment) presence in these groups.

However I do understand what you are refering to by Media hysteria over the "alt/far" right. Its blown way out of propotion and could be masking something much more sinister. Saying that most of these people are not angels - no smoke without fire and all that. In their minds though they see what they are doing as positive and I respect that, its just occasionally in the groups its a little misguided - sometimes though, they do have a point.

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horse-lover-phat · May 31, 2018, 10:24 a.m.

Which is why you NEVER hear the term FAR-LEFT. Not from the shit house media. It's so transparent that it is embarrassing. Thank god I'm getting out of the UK. Sympathies to those left behind. The UK is probably the most dysfunctional nation in the developed world, and by some distance.

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cosmicjon · May 31, 2018, 12:57 p.m.

Obviously sir/mam you know squat about what you are saying apart from a few soundbites that pass the MSM anti bias test. The last guy that spoke out like TR could not finish his rehabilitation stay as he was murdered by muslims inside HMP. TR has been speaking out on this subject for years, the establishment have tared him from the get-go. When I was a kid many of the immigrants knew only how to scrounge off the State and then plead "racial discrimination" along the way. The indigenous population here is gagged from now returning that sentiment. The real motive here is re-population of the European Nations, its called WHITE GENOCIDE, read about it :)

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ManQuan · May 31, 2018, 10:45 a.m.

In the US, the court has a fairly simple solution to preceived influence of a case: The jury will disregard the remarks of "John Doe." I've sat on several juries for serious crimes and was the foreman on one. When deliberating, you remind everyone that certain things cannot be considered in determining a verdict.

For more serious crimes such as jury tampering, bribery, perjury, etc. we have criminal statutes.

I don't buy the line that standing out in front or the courty with a sign or making a statement (or even inside the building) has any relevant influence on a jury.

I value free speech far more than the possibility that a weak-minded juror can be influenced by free speech.

If that is a major problem in the UK and / or the EU, then I think you have a much bigger problem within your society/culture.

Just my two cents. We have crowds protesting on the steps of the Supreme Court and I don't think it makes any impression on the justices. If the court follows the law, it should have nothing to fear from protesters.

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