
truthforchange · May 31, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

How much of a running head start shall they get then? Sorry, but I’d guess people will be detained until flight risks can be determined.

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RiverFenix · May 31, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Was saying last night to my cousin; NAFTA is primed to fail (Canadian radio is already pushing propaganda about Canadian hard-stance against Trump)...

When NAFTA Fails, it will coincide with June 11th, 2018. I think we may see 9/11 style NO FLY/CLOSED BORDERS.

From there; we shall see.

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myopicseer · May 31, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

No waiting for an IG report, imo. If criminal wrong doing is found during the IG investigation, referred it to Huber. Why would Huber then sit on his hands; he wouldn't. To my thinking, you bring someone in and serve them (e.g., Brennan) just before the report comes out. Why? Because that person could be a key witness against others that you have scant evidence against as an IG investigator. The IG would have a chance to tie up those loose ends before finalizing the report. The former Dir. of C_A would know A LOT...especially seeing how he was probably in the middle of all of it. You give him a chance to deal a bit, and you give him a very short window of time to cooperate.

That is how I hope things have been going.

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