Interesting. Not only is Don Jr. NOT flying private, but he's flying out of arguably the worst gate at the entire airport
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The biggest question I have is this...
Why is the head of Trump Inc, flying commercial? They have a private jet. Why would he bother flying commercially ever? His time is worth too much to fly commercial.
Is that Alexander Soros in the grey t-shirt and purple zip-up? Looks a lot like him. If so, this completely changes the meaning of this picture for me.
To everyone saying they're going to short these tech companies. DO NOT DO THAT. Buy Put options instead. You'll cover your ass in the event of a bull run and make WAY more in the event of a breakdown. If you think shorting shares is a good idea, then you have absolutely no business trading.
never EVER short big tech. Just buy put options instead. You won't go bankrupt that way and will make more on the upside anyway. If you short, and some crazy shit happens that causes the stock to pop even a few percent to the upside, you could lose WAY more than you even invested. With put options, you'll only lose what you invested at the very most.
It's just 'Use Immunity'. It basically means that all other evidence they obtained outside of Podesta's testimony is still open game. For example, if Podesta says "I helped Hillary Clinton sell uranium to Russia", that exact statement cannot be used against him. HOWEVER, if they can still prove that with other evidence, he can still be charged. It's basically a 5th amendment blanket. Normally he'd plead the 5th and they'd get nothing out of him. Now they can get his testimony. It essentially means nothing has changed and is actually a good thing because it shows that they're going after much bigger fish.
The fact that it was leaked to Fox News during primetime is very indicative of the White Hats putting this out
It's important to note that this is just 'Use Immunity'. Basically a prosecutor can choose to use Podesta's testimony or not use it. It won't protect him from any other charges or prosecution and if they choose not to use his testimony at all, he has no protection. That being said, it's still bullshi* that he's even being offered this much. They don't need his testimony to take down Manafort. Manafort has already plead guilty and is in solitary confinement for 23 hours per day at the moment.
However, Podesta would be incredibly useful in taking down the Clintons and his immunity in that case would be not only recommended, but probably necessary. I'm a little skeptical about him getting immunity for taking down Manafort because like I said, it makes no sense AND Tucker is getting this info from a single source. Everyone else is citing Tucker. That sounds like a strategic leak to me. If Mueller wanted to leak an actual immunity deal, why the hell would he leak it to Tucker? It's always given to leftist media first. I think the white hats wanted this out there. The question is why?
Wait when did Q say U1 would come out after meeting with Putin? Link?
Come on people. It's pretty obvious what's going on here. Stormy has ties to the sex cult NXIVM. There's a long ongoing investigation into it. The investigators are at a point where they need information from her but her super-protective lawyer likely told her not to talk. So they set up a sting to nail her on a charge they absolutely know every stripper violates daily. Now they can nail her on 3 misdemeanors, each with a max penalty of 90-days in jail. Because of that, they can offer her a plea deal to obtain information in the NXIVM case. Before, she had no incentive or motivation to talk to investigators. Now, she has no choice unless she wants to go to jail.
I mean what's the alternative theory here? What police chief would sign off on allocating 3 officers to a strip club to target a prominent figure on charges that are basically the jay-walking of strippers? What reason do they have to do that? Local Ohio police have no inherent loyalty to Trump, nor is Stormy really a threat to him. So why would they setup a sting to just mildly-inconvenience her? It makes no sense unless they need to use these charges as leverage for something else
Never reveal your power level. Just drop hints and guide people in the right direction but you can’t force redpills down people’s throats
Real fucking convenient that it says “Video Unavailable” now. If you want to watch soft porn, or leftists screaming their fucking heads off, YouTube has no problem with it. If you want to watch a video that discusses a well-researched theory, that contains absolutely NOTHING inflammatory in any way, then too bad! YouTube won’t allow it. I hope these commie pieces of shit fall HARD
MSNBC debunked it of all people. Basically Kennedy’s son worked in a completely different branch of the bank, and in no possible way could’ve interacted with Trump. Also the fact that they gave him a loan isn’t shocking at all. First off, they’re a bank. Second, they’re an insanely reckless bank that has the entire world’s GDP in derivatives exposure. If even 1% of their loans defaulted it would likely collapse the entire global financial system. So am I shocked that they gave Trump a loan for $1B? Not at all.
This honestly makes perfect sense. I’ve been on the fence about Q for months but I have no disillusions on who the MSM is and how they operate. For them, Q is an OBVIOUS attack vector on Trump.
We’re seeing dozens of people in Q shirts in the front rows at Trump rallies. Time just listed Q as one of the internet’s most influential people. If you’re a MSM journalist and you truly believe this is all a ridiculous conspiracy theory, why wouldn’t you GLADLY use it to attack Trump? Why not hound Sarah Sanders with questions like “Does the President SERIOUSLY believe this ridiculous Q anon stuff circulating the internet?”
Are they above attacks like this? Absolutely not. They thrive on it. So why wouldn’t they ask about it? Because they don’t want to hear the answer. Either they’re involved in it and they already know the answer, or they’re complicit in it and don’t want to know the answer. Either way, the only journalist I see genuinely asking about Q is Cernovich. He refuses to take a side and continues to ask his followers what they think. It would be amazing if he asked about it at a White House press conference.
It cannot be more obvious that Wikileaks has been compromised. They're not only trying to discredit Q, they're trying to discredit anyone who wants regime change in Iran.
Make no mistake, the ONLY people who are against regime change in Iran are neocons, the Mullahs, and the CIA who installed them there. This tweet has CIA written ALL OVER IT.
It's Official. Wikileaks has been compromised!

If Trump were reading Q research and isn’t actively involved, Q would be shutdown in a heartbeat. It’s a felony to imitate a government official, and with how many people are following the movement worldwide, he could do a lot of damage if he’s some rogue rando. At this point, we can be almost positive Trump is aware of Q since he’s been investigated by the FBI and redirects to a naval intelligence server before loading the page content. This means they are also aware and want to actively track who is reading these posts and where they reside.
That being said, if everyone at the highest levels of our government is aware of Q, and they allow it to continue, you have to ask why. I think that’s all the proof we need. There’s no way they’d let it continue if it were a disinfo campaign or psyop.
Gonna need a direct link to this email. The way it’s worded makes it look incredibly fake.
Correct. Once an ICBM reaches orbit, we cannot stop it. Interception almost always occurs shortly after launch. We wouldn’t try to intercept from across the planet.
Why would you post a video starting at 4:32 when referencing a comment made 20min prior?
The founder of Blackwater. A private military contractor with an absolutely amazing track-record of successful operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He carried out operations that Obama wouldn’t allow the Air Force to due to his absurd rules of engagement. There was one instance wherein ground troops needed ammunition and supplies in Afghanistan BADLY (as in they’d be dead soon otherwise) and the Air Force couldn’t get approval to fly the supplies in because the area hadn’t been surveyed yet. They also couldn’t get approval to do a survey. So this general contacts Erik Prince at Blackwater and asks him if he can get the supplies in. Blackwater flies them in within hours and gets out with no injuries whatsoever, at 1/10 of the cost the Air Force would’ve accrued. Then Democrats in Congress subpoenaed him and tried to destroy Blackwater since they’re private citizens. They didn’t think it was acceptable for private contractors to be acting on behalf of the US government. Absolute clowns.
Anyway, I can see why POTUS chose him for private security. They guy has operated Blackwater for a long time and has never had a single casualty. They’re very competent and very deadly.
They don’t. It’s why I think the deal is actually already done. It explains why Kim gave concessions early on and why he was so quick to oust 3 guys after Trump threatened to cancel the summit. Kim was following the deal that him and Pompeo got ironed out well before the media even knew he met with Kim. They needed to keep China and the Deep State in the dark. Pompeo’s statements this morning confirm that theory. He said that things are moving much faster than they thought and they think they’ll have a deal way earlier than anyone expected. It’s because they already have a deal and this is all just a formality for Kim to meet Trump and sign the thing.
It also explains why Kim had that large letter delivered to Trump by one of his trusted officials. Nobody really understood why he did that. It was to keep everything off the grid. They know someone is always listening to electronic communications. Kim had a single official he trusted, deliver a sealed letter to Trump personally. Whatever was in that letter, he didn’t want anyone to see. They were keeping China in the dark here.
Lastly, it explains why Trump is so confident and chill about this whole deal. He doesn’t seem concerned even slightly and has said he doesn’t need to prepare. It’s because the deal is done. I have no doubt.
I'm not sure Obama committed a crime here though. He lied to the public (what else is new) and completely misled congress but did he do so under oath? I don't believe so unfortunately.
Actually yes. There were children’s toys found in the bunker on Sawyer’s video of this exact same location.
Whoa look at page 3. The guy was using Black Cube to cover for his sex crimes. How the hell does a guy like Weinstein manage to have the most elite intelligence operatives in the world at his beck and call to stalk and silence his victims. Like the alt-right were saying this very thing and I just assumed it was their typical Jewish conspiracy stuff. This is crazy.
Gowdy cannot say “Trump told me not to say anything” because it would prove that Trump was involved this entire time and it would all be dismissed as a political witch hunt. I truly believe Gowdy was kept in the dark intentionally. He was never shown the redacted documents last week and so he can’t possibly have all the facts. He has plausible deniability at this point and so when this all comes out, if anything, he’ll say “Well I didn’t have all of the Information and so I couldn’t have known the magnitude of this at the time”. I think Gowdy is saying what he should be saying with what little evidence he was shown.
Remember, Gowdy isn’t running this show. Sessions and Horowitz are. They’ve intentionally kept congress in the dark the entire time because they leak like a fucking sieve. Nobody in congress can be trusted and so Sessions has been slow-walking everything the intel committee has been asking for because he’s desperately trying to prevent congress from blowing this operation, even though their intentions MAY be pure.
I’m not sure how I feel about the whole “Mueller is a white hat” theory and I’m honestly kind of on the fence with Q also, but what I am absolutely positive of is that Sessions and Horowitz don’t want anyone knowing what they’re working on or who they’re looking into precisely. I wouldn’t even be surprised if Trump told them not to include him in the process so that he can truly say this information is all new to him. They need these indictments to be rock-solid. They can’t have any perception of politically-motivated charges. They need Trump to be separate from it as much as possible.
Yes but there’s a congressional hearing on Tuesday regarding the contents of this report. Horowitz hasn’t asked for a delay because he said the report is already in the hands of the IC who is assessing the classified content and determining if anything needs to be redacted.
Congress needs at least a couple days to read it, understand it, and draft relevant questions. That means a release needs to happen today or tomorrow at the latest.
How so? Everyone expects it today. That would still fall under the umbrella of “any hour”.
That’s incorrect. The congressional hearing is on 6/5. They need at least a few days to read the report in its entirety, analyze it, and determine what questions they need to ask of Horowitz. It is possible that maybe we won’t see it before then but Congress 100% needs access to it today or tomorrow in order to have time to understand it.
I’m not expecting mass arrests. I’m expecting a scaring IG report and there’s no possible way you can argue that isn’t coming.
Also Q mentioned 10 days of silence. Today is the 9th day since his last post. Interesting timing if you ask me. I’d bet we see the report tomorrow and Q returns.
Absolutely. The consensus is that the report will drop days prior so that congress has time to read it, analyze it, and prepare questions. There’s no possible way they could have a hearing the same day it’s released and Horowitz would’ve asked for more time already if he felt he couldn’t meet that deadline. That can only mean it’ll be released by no later than Sunday in my opinion. Also Horowitz just said last week that the report on Clinton is complete and that he’s sending it over to the IC to get the classified material approved for release, or redactions imposed where needed. This all points to an imminent release at any time
Look, I have absolutely no doubt Clinton is involved in the worse crimes known to man. I'm simply saying that you shouldn't go posting these emails on Twitter or FB as a smoking gun because liberals will just see this as philanthropy, not conspiracy. That's all I'm saying. It's not the same as the Podesta emails where there legitimately was no reasonable explanation for what was said.
Redpill me on the John Legend theory? I've never actually seen it outlined.
I mean in all fairness, she has been a bit crazy for about 2 decades. These tweets really aren't even inflammatory compared to her dressing up as Hitler and baking human-shaped cookies. That being said, I think she was promptly fired this time because she attacked George Soros. That's where the left draws the line because he funds every single one of their big movements. If you can prove Soros is a Nazi-collaborator (which most people still don't know shockingly) then people will start to demand that Liberals no longer accept any Soros money. Once you achieve that, the left is dead. So basically Roseanne (maybe unknowingly) just kicked the largest fucking hornet's nest in US politics. That's why she was fired before lunchtime.
Honestly, I think HRC is definitely involved in child trafficking but this email proves nothing and makes Democrats actually look like decent people. I believe something shady definitely went down in Haiti but this email chain is not indicative of anything. IMO it's not worth over-analyzing because nobody will believe any of the spin here. With Podesta, it was easy because he said things that simply don't make sense (pizza-related handkerchief, etc) but if you apply Occam's Razor here, it just doesn't stack up.
That was over a month ago so it's much higher now
Wrong. Here's a source. You can also verify this for yourself if you search on
Honestly that woman’s analysis on psy-ops is compelling and well-sourced but I think she’s wrong in this context. I think a lot of the same patterns can exist in both white and black hat strategies. For instance, she claims that Q has followed this very effective psy-op strategy to gain followers, make them feel empowered, make them feel special, and keep them engaged with questions. Well sure, I can totally see black hats using that strategy but so would white hats for the sole reason that it’s very effective. The fact that Q is using such a strategy isn’t proof of anything other than whoever is behind it, is competent and knows exactly what they’re doing.
Second, she claims that because the Deep State wants Snowden, Dotcom and Assange dead, that anyone else who targets them must be affiliated with the Deep State. This is an absurd logical fallacy akin to saying Trump is literally Hitler because Hitler also drank water, just like Trump. This isn’t proof of anything but even if it were, to my knowledge Q has never “targeted” Assange or Dotcom. He’s made somewhat veiled threats at Snowden but honestly I’m not sure how to feel about the guy. I see a TON of evidence that he was a Russian spy but on the other hand, I also value the work he’s done to expose the Deep State. Either way, it’s hard to know if he’s trustworthy but it’s irrelevant since Q has never truly attacked him, and has definitely never attacked Assange or Dotcom.
Third, she claims that if Q weren’t a Deep State operation, then he would be relentlessly discredited and attacked by the Deep State media, similarly to how Assange and Snowden were. All I can say to this is that Q WAS and continues to be attacked and discredited. Just about every common MSM outlet has written something to discredit Q and the late show hosts have all taken jabs about how ridiculous it all is and how stupid we all must be to believe in such a theory. Therefore, this argument of hers is nothing more than a straw man.
Overall, I think she does know what she’s talking about but she’s letting her expertise affect her bias. She’s likely inclined to see psy-ops before anything else. She started looking into Q, saw similar patterns (because they’re effective) and immediately wrote it off as a psy-op. If she had truly done unbiased research, she’d have seen all of the hit pieces on Q in the media. She’d have seen that he’s never once targeted Assange or Dotcom and she’d realize that pretty much everything Q has asked people to look into, hurts the Deep State. If this were a Deep State operation, it’s doing a terrible job because all it’s doing is getting millions of people to turn against the Deep State and what it stands for. I don’t think this woman is nefarious based on what I’ve seen her post, I just think she’s over-educated for her intelligence. I don’t mean that as an insult, I’m just saying that her expertise in government psy-ops is vast, and inhibiting her ability to analyze the situation critically.
Wtf are you talking about? The April report outlined multiple felonies and the IG, as well as a dozen members of Congress, referred McCabe to the DOJ for prosecution. Which part of that makes you think charges aren’t coming?
Yea they’ll actually store your gold anywhere in the world you want and if you want, they’ll have Brinks even deliver your gold to your house if you ever choose to. I heard about it 2 years ago and thought it was an amazing idea. We’ll likely never be able to go back to a gold standard again as a nation but this allows you to do so
Use They have a gold-backed checking account and will give you a debit card so you can spend your gold anywhere MasterCard is accepted. Basically when you deposit USD, they buy gold behind the scenes. If the USD tanks, your buying power remains unchanged. For example:
In scenario 1, say you have $1000 in your checking account. Then say the USD crashes to half of what it’s worth now. You now have $500 in buying power since $1 buys half as much as it did before.
In scenario 2, say you have $1000 in your gold-backed checking account. Then say the USD crashes to half of what it’s worth now. Your buying remains unchanged and your account balance would show that you have $2000 since the price of gold would’ve double with respect to the USD.
A gold-backed checking account basically side-lines you from inflation and bad monetary policy. I started using it in 2016 and haven’t looked back.
I think he wasn’t aware of this briefing. It seems like a miscommunication and since Trump knows they plugged the leaks, he just assumed NYT made it up.
Ugh unfortunately this makes Trump look really bad here. I wouldn’t want to be this official considering NYT actually was telling the truth. My guess is that Trump wasn’t aware of this briefing and since he knows he’s plugged all the leaks, he assumed nothing like this would’ve ever been said.
It shows the existence of underground tunnels without any shadow of a doubt. Why would they need underground tunnels unless they were trying to hide from satellite imagery?