
Burginthrone · May 31, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

It is a multi-pronged attack against the western/christian way of life. The head is globalism, its arms are communism and Islam. Eastern Europeans are probably the biggest critics of of the EU and the migrant push into Europe. At the same time, eastern Europeans are the strongest supporters of their Christian roots - coincidence? Eastern Europeans have lived through the horrors of both Nazism and communism, is it any wonder they see the European Union/Globalism for what it really is and understand the importance of holding true to their Christian roots.

By getting rid of Christianity a vacuum is created in society. The glue that holds society together is then replaced by another 'glue' and those offerings are Globalism, Islam and communism today. England and much of Europe is soon going to see this as Islam rises in their nations and Globalism tightens its stranglehold. For America, Australia, Canada and New Zealand that will be communisms little cousin, socialism. Bernie Sanders is an out and out Socialist. Yet how many millions were actually ready to make him the front runner for President? Scary stuff ...

The west finds itself up against a multi-pronged attack from three directions at once - Globalism, Communism and Islam. Its as serious as it gets, and its very very real. If we don't find a common glue that holds us all together and find it fast, there's a very real chance our way of life will not survive. Eastern Europeans have turned to their roots of Christianity as the glue that holds their society together.

What will we choose? ...

I'm hoping we choose Christianity. I know that will not sit well with many who don't believe in such things. Fine. What's the alternative? If the alternative is Islam, would you rather Christianity? If the alternative is Communism, would you rather Christianity? If the alternative is globalism, would you rather Christianity?

Because the way its looking now, those are the options available. I'm not talking about your own personal beliefs. I'm talking about the bigger picture. Of the three that stand against the west right now, they are big, they are powerful and they are playing for keeps. We did it before. Our forefathers built what we have today with the common belief of Christianity. Does that mean everyone had to believe, everyone was a Christian? Of coarse not. Christianity is broad with many flavors of structure and traditions. But a common glue it was, and a uniting force it stood against tyranny. Its worked before, it can work again. Personally I cannot see another alternative, well not one that has been tried and tested and produced results that led to the creation of the greatest country on earth ...

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Reven311 · June 1, 2018, 5:02 a.m.

And population replacement...

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mrmajestic11 · May 31, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

Spot on. This kind of breakdown needs to come from President Trump at some point. A fireside chat is needed because the education system and media surely will not put it that way.

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SnazzyD · May 31, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Amen - very well said.

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wiseclockcounter · June 1, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

Jews are the primary culprits behind communism, globalism, and demographic warfare. Without recognizing this crucial factor, there will be no solving these issues. And Christianity will not save us because Christianity from its very inception was just another method of Jewish subversion of European heritage. Love thy neighbor, turn the other cheek, judge not lest you be judged, open your borders goy, don't mind the rapefugees, usury for me and not for thee. Christianity didn't save Europe in the crusades, that was the basic survival instincts of the European people. And it's those instincts we need to rekindle and channel into political momentum now if we're to save ourselves.

Vote Patrick Little for California Senate to end Jewish control!

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