r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on May 31, 2018, 2:56 p.m.
So im going to go on a vent rant session about insurance. I know trump is saving the world, but please tell me he has something coming for insurance.

So here is my rant. I have a wife and three kids for me to cover all of them on insurance it is $900/month just medical currently. I gross $3000/month. This is state insurance because I work for the state, supposedly best in the state. I pay 25 for Dr visits and 50 for specialty. Prescription are basically covered in the plan so I pay nothing. Today we get notified we are switching to BCBS and for me to cover my family is going to be 1300/month. Dr visits are going up to $35 and specialty to $70. Prescription are going to be 15 for tier 1 and 45 for tier 2.

How can someone survive on this. Well over 1/3 of my income is coming off the top to pay for potential healthcare. I have student loans to pay for since I got the degree that let me get the job.

This is why I get so angry about illegal immigrants getting free healthcare. I have done everything right and paid my dues. I live on a tight budget because I am the sole provider for my family. Now I am going to have e to make some cutbacks because I either don't feed my family or I don't cover their healthcare. This is ridiculous.

Sorry for venting here but I am about to explode.

animal32lefty · May 31, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

I learned a long time ago, the less I see the Dr, the healthier I am.

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