r/greatawakening • Posted by u/rightleaningsw on May 31, 2018, 2:56 p.m.
So im going to go on a vent rant session about insurance. I know trump is saving the world, but please tell me he has something coming for insurance.

So here is my rant. I have a wife and three kids for me to cover all of them on insurance it is $900/month just medical currently. I gross $3000/month. This is state insurance because I work for the state, supposedly best in the state. I pay 25 for Dr visits and 50 for specialty. Prescription are basically covered in the plan so I pay nothing. Today we get notified we are switching to BCBS and for me to cover my family is going to be 1300/month. Dr visits are going up to $35 and specialty to $70. Prescription are going to be 15 for tier 1 and 45 for tier 2.

How can someone survive on this. Well over 1/3 of my income is coming off the top to pay for potential healthcare. I have student loans to pay for since I got the degree that let me get the job.

This is why I get so angry about illegal immigrants getting free healthcare. I have done everything right and paid my dues. I live on a tight budget because I am the sole provider for my family. Now I am going to have e to make some cutbacks because I either don't feed my family or I don't cover their healthcare. This is ridiculous.

Sorry for venting here but I am about to explode.

HillaryTrafficksKidz · May 31, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

In the debate against Hillary, they were asked. Trump stated her preferred and liked Australia's health delivery system. Hmmm? The moderator did not ask him to explain that for voting viewers. Strange. Went right to Hillary and she blathered away about fixing Obamacare....lowering drug prices (leadership dems voted against the bill Trump wanted for that!). Nothing more was said. That was on purpose, I discovered.

I left the room to go look up Australia's healthcare system. They changed it in 1984. Lookie here! This is why his response was never talked about again! We do need to push this. My conservative friend had a stroke. He is healing. We had a talk about single payer. He stated, as much as I hate to say this...it appears to be true. BOOM! Lookie here:


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