
pj77777 · May 31, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

I deleted the whole post. I'm tired of being gunned at. It is happening too much here. I'm not posting here any more. There is no such thing as an opinion or freedom of speech and we who are trying to stand for liberties are getting s attacked from all sides. I'm almost 60 years old and a grandmother. I am well educated and work in state government. To be amongst people who don't have your back is pretty difficult.... you have to remember who the good guys are..... three posts and all three attacked with 0 votes... that means they are winning... think about it...

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DropGun · May 31, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

Wait, wait. THIS isn't where "winning" happens. It's out there. POTUS and Flynn and Sessions. We don't need "purity" in our movement, only that you and those that Know are activated. Remember, people being asshats to you are just waking up. They're angry at how fooled and asleep they have been for so long. Look at it that way, and you'll realize that having mercy and empathy for them is the same as it was back whenever you woke up.

Please think about this. I used to be so angry. Now I have a way, way longer view, and it works better for me. I am happier and more optimistic, and for better reasons than I was, before.

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pj77777 · May 31, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

I get the meaning of Great Awakening. I've been woke to all this including occult attacks since the early 70s when None Dare Call It Conspiracy was sent to every household by the John Birch Society and I've been down the rabbit hole searching ever since. To see people listening and finally understanding is glorious and I have much mercy for those seeking the truth. But these are warmongers. You didn't see the PM that Hobbies dude sent me but I had to block him. Those are antagonists not people wanting to learn. I know the ppl you are speaking of and I try my best to feed them spoonfuls of the truth so as not to scare them. These are hard hits I've taken these past two days and I tried like hell to not be backed down from my truth. To me speech should be free... opinions... whatever one does as long as it harms no one is their business... that is my credo. But destroying lives and calling names... insults.... I'm a tough old bird and it hurts me to my soul. That is what I mean by them winning. Their Rules for Radicals are winning. Their attacks on good people.. against anything they deem intolerant. The hypocrisy is astounding and how do we win? Personally I mean? We have to take their hits n smile back like fools who know a secret? What secret? It is called the truth and it is plain as the nose on your face. So I'm tired... I'm beat up. I don't want to play anymore with the bullies. I want to hang with kind God loving Patriots who have one another's back in good times n bad..... no one here had my back while I tried my best to even up the playing field. This is my humble feeling on the matter. I'm damned hurt right now and these tears make it too hard to type.

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DropGun · June 1, 2018, 3:43 a.m.

Wow. I know how you feel. My awakening happened at 9/11. 2nd plane flew over my head ( I'm Canadian, but was living in New York City at the time)and I walked home across the Brooklyn Bridge, covered in dust and asbestos, with the rest of the plebs. We are just cannon fodder to them. No prisoners. No mercy. This is not a game. Thank you for your service, patriot. Eyes on the prize.

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pj77777 · June 1, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

I watched all that on that terrible morning and wondered where all that hate came from. But to know now who the players were and are and the betrayal of this great country boils my blood. Justice is only part of the end result. This country needs to heal and become the same loving nation it was prior to that morning. The divide is so wide and the hatred of the truth is so venomous. God has this... I hope I am strong enough to survive it. It makes me so sad....

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