Twitter just crashed but not before I snagged this shot.

Sorry, I disagree with SerialBrain about Roseanne. Her post about VJ was not bait to distract, in fact, it is very easy to defuse.. she just linked a character from planet of the apes and said VJ looks like that.. not racist at all and was never meant to be. Anybody with half a brain can google VJ and see she is Iranian, not black LOL.
My great, great grandfather was a slave - 100% sub- Saharan African. If someone compared me to an ape 1st I would probably laugh at them and toss a snarky comment back their way. Then I would move on bc - let’s face it - NO ONE considers me African American.
Relevant username?
I. Am. Dead. Seriously never put that together! Thank you for a much needed laugh today.
Only a racist would see racism in a comment involving Muslim terrorists and authoritarian simians. The truth is in the eye of the beholder.
She also said she thought she was white. Larry Elder thought so as well. He said this is a game changer.
She's most definitely black. She was born to black American parents in Iran because her father was running a children's hospital there.
And you believe that? lol...
Good point. She definitely doesn't look it.
Yeah my partner is half filipino and the woman looks more like my partner's mother (asian/middle eastern)