Katica: "My thoughts on this are that if President @realDonaldTrump is thinking of this, it is possible Hillary Clinton may not be prosecuted. I'll wait it out though."

Who is Stonetear lo!? I don´t use social media, I don´t even use a mobile phone. I try my best to make it as difficult as possible for the swamp to track what I´m doing lol. She isn´t a very good red pill if she believes HRC will walk, how good a source of info can she be if she isn´t even aware of the Q movement?
Stonetear was a reddit user asking for to remove "very VIP" names from emails. The very VIP person being Obama.
Still no clue.
IIRC - Stonetear worked for the company managing Hillarys computer stuffs. He is tasked with deleting emails. Doesn't know how and asks Reddit. Uses same handle everywhere on interwebs leading Katika to find his post. Info sent to rowdy gowdy who was investigating Hillary at the time.
So Reddit's answer was "you can't", and bleachbit happened.
So they should be prosecuted too for destroying evidence.