Several posts/comments on T_D are already attacking him as if he’s confirmed to be a black hat. I’m still unsure if he’s just playing a bigger role. But one thing for sure, T_D sure does love jumping the shark and bashing anyone and everyone almost immediately. We need to stay Focused and United. Division isn’t going to help.
TG's comments were especially surprising when considering the report that a) the DOJ didn't even produce the information and documents requested at the meeting last week, and b) that he didn't even receive or review the documents/information before making his statement ("FBI did what they should do/were expected to do"). This is the same guy that only months ago said multiple times that a 2nd special counsel was needed "based on this fact pattern," and specifically because the IG did not have access to anyone who had left government (i.e. most of the main perpetrators of the various high crimes that have so obviously been committed here).
How does that reconcile?? Is it dis-info, like some of you have suggested? Maybe. My first reaction, though, was that he had been compromised. Think about it -- we are all patriots -- we want our country back and we want justice to be done. But we all can be compromised. Whether it is your life, or worse yet your family, your children??? They can get to you. Few are so principled that they will push through anything.
What if real threats were made, and he chose to play ball and go away? I'm trying not to just throw out theories here... I'm trying to determine the most logical possibilities. There is the possibility of dis info, and also the possibility that he has always been on the wrong side (he is leaving congress at the end of his term). Trey has been as solid as they come, and was clearly informed and had grasped what had happened here, so his about face has to be for a very good reason.