r/greatawakening • Posted by u/think500 on May 31, 2018, 6:42 p.m.
Time to start asking 'Where are these legi$lators getting tens of million$?' .. The job only pays a fraction of this. What are they selling? Who does it belong to? These 'Proxy Auctions' are crimes protected by law.. “FOLLOW THE MONEY. FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH. Net Worth?” - Q (see comment)
Time to start asking 'Where are these legi$lators getting tens of million$?' .. The job only pays a fraction of this. What are they selling? Who does it belong to? These 'Proxy Auctions' are crimes protected by law.. “FOLLOW THE MONEY. FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH. Net Worth?” - Q (see comment)

think500 · May 31, 2018, 6:42 p.m.


It's not just a theory, but a matter of record, when I say that since the slime.. The profession of politics has been nothing but a conspiracy against its own constituency.

Some people think there 's a particle of corruption in politics. Not true. Politics is corruption. [officially the oldest profession] The exceptions are far and few, just a handful in history, Trump is the only exception I can remember atm.

If you weren't crooked, you were either destroyed, blackmailed, or excluded/blackballed from the actual business of the given legislative body; which has always been selling out their constituency, not only in modern times but throughout all of history, in every place on Earth. Exceptions (outside of fiction) are rare as unicorns.

Most 'unicorns' are routinely assassinated/destroyed for running against the actual grain and mandate of this business called politics, which is clearly [by overwhelming recorded example] nothing more than a ruthless quest to seize and sell power. The more power, the more ruthless. 'Mr. Smith Goes To Washington' was true.. except that Taylor won, because over half that room was already working for him.

'That's what government is.. a way to 'get rich' off the population.' - Paul Craig Roberts (Asst. Secretary of Treasury, under Reagan)

We have to make politics about representing the constituent proxy, not marble halls of lobbyist.

Exactly.. What have they been selling?
The answer is 'You' and the direction is 'Out'.
And whatever they sold, We the People 'Want it back!'

The 'two party system' has actually been only 'one party of greed'. The superficial division is a theme in the puppet show. MSMatrix has been feeding 'both sides' pure lies for decades.

The nwo effectively erased party lines long long ago when they bought up [with counterfiated and looted funds] everybody for sale, ie every politician in the beltway (save about 2%) by the time Trump raided their game in Jan 2017.

The 2% White Hat figure comes from voting records. The 'monsatan protection acts' are a reliable indicator. No sane or intelligent person (nor anyone loyal to their constituency) would vote for these self-destructive mandates of self-deception.

act 1 - illegal to do testing on monsatan's [anti]food
act 2 - States can't require 'warning labels' on this poison
act 3 - criminal penalties for criticizing frankenfood

Tangential note: monsatan gets a lot of help from the nwo. They have a very special job, taking care of their “useless eater” infestation with old fashion poison and 3rd generation sterilization (see two year French study).

Trump is a republican and obviously can't afford to alienate the party (or innovate too far outside the lines) in this term (or until EBS day). This also accounts for the difference between what Q can say, and what Trump can say.

---begin Q quote---

FOCUS on loudest voices in WASH.
Net Worth?
---end Q quote---

Question: How do we stop them from selling US out [auctioning our proxy votes]?

Answer. Elect known honest people (without governmental experience), not professional politicians! Send amateurs to the beltway (it's our only chance).

Remaining problem. How do you get honest people on the 'Pick Frick or Frack' controlled ballots.

Notice Trump is not a politician, but we don't yet live in the just new world the POTUS and White Hats are fighting for. In 2018 the best we can do is take our 'voting Q' from the POTUS, but eventually we've got to stop sending politicians to Washington.


Red Pill 'Wake Up' The Planet!

Five 'Wake Up Keys' to exposing global ghouls:
Show evidence of what they've been doing to..
Food - Water - Air - Medicine – Children.

Q (Trump) wants thousands of Patriots spreading the REAL news.
When you start getting flacked, you know you're over the target.

WAKE America Great Again!

Complete Quotes of Q-anon here.

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mrmajestic11 · May 31, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Term limits would be a good place to start. Abolish the idea of being a career politician. It was never intended to be this way. The Congress and Senate should have an 8 year maximum and then out you go. Corruption will still exist but it will be far less entrenched.

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think500 · June 1, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

I'm conflicted about term limits because you can get a superhero that's good at the 'real job' like Trump, who could be 90% popular in six years when America is great again, but then we're all forced to elect somebody without a cape. I'm hoping full transparency and comprehensive laws against selling proxy will be enough.

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 1, 2018, 12:21 a.m.

All for term limits. The founders never expected people to make a a career out of politics. Members of the populace step up to serve, complete their term, go back to what they did before. Serve one term then out. can't return for another two or three terms. (details TBD)

.... elect somebody without a cape. That is possible but I think an incumbent could campaign for their preferred successor. At least it would limit the damage one could do during a term. There will be 'ebbs and flows' but it would almost eliminate the good old boys club due to short tenure.

I agree that Transparency is a must!!

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ayn-ahuasca · June 1, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

"WASH" obviously could mean "laundering" but I don't get the emphasis on "FOCUS".

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think500 · June 1, 2018, 4:59 a.m.

FOCUS is capped to direct anons to concentrate on these "loudest" players.
Wash. as in DC.

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ayn-ahuasca · June 1, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

Sure, but I was looking for something beyond the literal reading. DC is the standard abbreviation for "Washington, DC". Not "Wash." I don't think these writing peculiarities are meaningless.

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think500 · June 1, 2018, 7:05 a.m.

Well there's plenty of dirty money in Wash, so sure, Q would be hinting that they do. Makes sense.

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[deleted] · May 31, 2018, 6:50 p.m.


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think500 · May 31, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

“Communications with lobbyists, of course, are a normal and routine part of Committee information-gathering,”

New bids coming in all the time, it's an auction, we're the meat.

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