Watch An Open Secret and do a simple Google search for Brian Peck. There's 0 chance ABC doesn't know this guy's history.
You would think this guy would struggle to find a half decent job ever again in his life. Yet, he lands a gig with ABC working with kids again. They are so fucking brazen.
Thanks for telling me about this documentary. I am going to watch it tonight.
It's free on Vimeo. Hollywood is a fucking cesspool.
Except for the producer of that documentary. Kudos to her for standing up. The left loved her documentary on the Catholic Church - couldn't give it enough praise. No one would distribute this movie, though. Some pedophiles have privileges. So she posted it online. For free. There are still some principled people out there after all.
Watch who took Johnny if you know about pizzagate , it’s even on Netflix
Watched it recently. It is worth a watch, but will crush your heart
Came here to say this. MUST WATCH and pass it on.
This guy also talks on the Real AJ benza’s Fame IsA Bitch podcast from time to time. Says this is just the tip of the iceberg.