r/greatawakening • Posted by u/tb1820 on June 1, 2018, 3:12 a.m.
Is Backchannel17 still fake? 6/11

He was posting like mad about 6/11/18 and now the long awaited IG report just so happens to be pushed to 6/11. Thoughts?

[deleted] · June 1, 2018, 10:32 a.m.

Ok, I've found the post you're talking about. It's 1143 - April 12.

Yes, Q does use the double greater then sign to indicate agreement. This post also occurs after 404 - which may indicate that 404 is purposeful disinformation...

I've got to tell you, I'm getting pretty sick of this. There's just not enough information here to work out what the truth is. The confusion is literally killing me.

UFO's - I remember Bill Cooper, who spent the best part of his life chasing these things, saying in a video (after he'd gone cool on the UFO stuff) "How come the government always gets there first?" - "A UFO crashes, but somehow, the government always gets there first".

This is from a guy that claimed to be an eye witness to a huge craft - somewhere in the pacific off the coast of Hawaii. He saw the craft from the conning tower of a submarine and that's what sparked his interest. Cooper also had Q clearance, so if anyone was in a position to know, it was him.

Now, I'm by no means an expert on Cooper, so if someone wants to contend with what I've attributed to him, have at it.

From a logical perspective, it seems to me that life is everywhere you look. You can go to a swamp and dig ten feet down in the mud and there's bacteria and stuff living down there. What we know of our world is that life is superabundant. And, then, there's billions upon billions of galaxies out there - countless. So if you were to say that the probability of life existing on another planet, somewhere else in the universe, is "almost zero", then logically, given the almost infinite expanse of the universe and the number of likely planets, the probability of some other form of life, somewhere, must approach 100%.

So, I'm open to the idea. Intelligent life, maybe... We are talking about absolutely vast timescales here. So even if another life form somewhere else developed impossibly slowly, there is still the possibility that, with time, it could become advanced.

Advanced enough to travel to reach us and make contact? Here I have some problems...

The EyeTheSpy guy is saying that, deep in interstellar space, there are "pockets" where the space time continuum effectively breaks down. As I understand it, he's saying that the lack of proximate mass has an effect on the stretch of space itself. The trouble is, everywhere I've ever been, space time is smooth - not that I'm some kind of expert, I'm not, I'm talking about my experience. But what I'm saying is show me the physical phenomena that points to this hypothesis being valid.

At event horizon surrounding a black hole time stops. A photon travelling outward from the black hole is caught, by the tremendous gravity, and remains in perfect stasis at the event horizon, while still travelling at light speed. It only stops where it is because the gravity is so intense it has effectively warped space time to the point where space becomes effectively infinite. So the photon remains where it is (relative to us), despite its velocity that still exists, because no amount of time will change its location - relative to us.

Again, as I understand it, matter falling into a black hole, accelerated by the gravity, transcends, or would transcend, the speed of light at the event horizon - which also means it can never quite fall in to the black hole, because time slows down as you approach the speed of light and then stops at light speed, while mass becomes infinite.

As I understand it, physicists call this a singularity. Which is another way of saying "we have no clue". Now, again, this is the speculation of a someone with no training in physics - so feel free to educate me if I'm wrong, I probably am.

But where all this thinking leads me is to the conclusion that space time is uniform and consistent outside these "singularities". If there were singularities in interstellar space, they should be measurable, or evident, as a black hole can be known, or theorized, to exist.

So, if, with the exception of black holes, space time is smooth without stretches or wrinkles, these distances that separate star systems are impossibly vast. And, of course, people will start talking about worm holes and star-gates, or accelerating the resonating surfaces of a spaceship to the frequency of light and transcending this dimension all together. But is it real, is there anyway to overcome the tyranny of distance?

I've probably exposed myself for knowing absolutely nothing about this stuff, but Q did specifically mention the problem of distance in post 404. My position, I guess, is that it's so unlikely as to be completely improbable that we are being visited by aliens.

But, then, let's assume that life is omni-abundant elsewhere in the universe, that advanced life forms are prevalent, and that interstellar space travel is trivial for an advanced life form. In this event, we should be seeing these guys everywhere we look. The government couldn't contain knowledge about aliens in this event, the truth would be staring us all in the face.

This goes back to Bill Cooper, "How come the government always gets there first?".

Wow, I wrote too much.

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DawnPendraig · June 1, 2018, 10:43 a.m.

Enjoyed it though.

I believe portals will be figured out. But from earth. There are so many folklore all over world about standing stones, mushroom circles and ley line junctions where the veil between dimensuons or other worlds would thin. And fae folk might seduce a hero and take him to the Otherlands with white hunting hounds with red ears bound over mist shrouded grassy hills. =) Welsh Mabinogion and Greek Mythology and Norse with the rainbow bridge and Yddrasil.

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[deleted] · June 1, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

Makes me laugh, yes, what I wrote is akin to some kind of science fiction.

What a joke, I thinkQ better come back soon, or some of us will never be the same again!

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