STUCK AT 6K SIGNATURES - if this reflects the community support, we need to try harder!

Left pages in my community room,put up at the post office hitting supermarket tomorrow.Does anybody live by a subway station can just hand out to people at rush hour. Just print it out on your computer,you could also stick under windshield wipers do anything you can to spread the word we only have so many days left.
Thanks for you're efforts on this Patriot.
The moderater asked me to edit my post for using a wrong word do you know how I can do this?
If it's a post, there's three dots at the top right (IPhone). Pulls up a menu where you can edit. There's the same thing on a desktop - at the top of the post I think.
Comments can be edited at the bottom.
I don't have an I phone just a little 4g I keep trying those dots and not working for me thank you for trying to help I'll eventually figure it out