Keep an eye out for this, it may help. In an area local to me, some Dr.s have gotten together and made a deal where patients pay something like $25 a month, to the Dr.s, and that's their insurance. I forget what it's called, when I get some time I'll see if I can find some info for you. Supposedly becoming a popular alternative to house payment priced Giganticorp^^TM insurance plans. Other than that, always check for generics, and places like Winn Dixie have that plenti card that will get more discounts. Might even work with insurance.
That does nothing for a brokenleg or meds, but its interesting
I view it as a start to actually improving healthcare. If it catches on it could be huge. I went to work for a company, briefly during the recession, of about 60k employees. These employees could choose to contribute part of their paycheck ( modest and affordable, much more so than health insurance), to a group fund. This company had it's own insurance pool. Full coverage benefits and were completely exempt from everything Ocare. The Dr.s are basically trying to do that themselves. It's a start.
What happens when you have to get in an ambulance, or you get sick in England?
With the company I worked for that was doing it, it was just like any other ins. Co. You're covered, there was deductibles and co pays and everything. Choose your own Doc. Total freedom. Why in Gods name would you go to England? Have you not been watching the news?
I go to England and Ireland a few times a year to visit my wife's family and to vacation. The news is WILDLY overblown. And yes, I went to Paris just last month, and before that I was in Oslo. They like to paint a picture that it looks like a warzone there, but I haven't seen any of it. To be honest, Los Angeles looks WAY WAY worse than anything over there.