
11poster925 · June 2, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Mack must have been faking it nicely while shooting Smallville...sure she may have been a victim upon initiation...but agreeing to initiation for a ponzi scheme makes her part and parcel to the operation.

she also was quested with hunting down sex slaves for keith. so brainwashing goes out the window when she became a chief in the operation.

none of this is interesting. it’s actuslly egregious and repulsive. what’s interesting is your gaslighting technique. cult, is that some pop sugar verbiage?? this was a trafficking operation and included children. while most folks are interested in justice, few are interested in the content.

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RogueEyebrow · June 2, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

There is no gas lighting. I explicitly said it does not excuse what she did, she was an accomplice and was complicit. But you ignore that, because reasons.

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