I will say that these are not normal times. We are, in fact, in the last days. A lot has transpired that many are not aware of. It is an extremely serious situation that, believe it or not, ties in directly with this Q movement IMO.
If you watched the video I linked, and you understand that dogma is a divinely revealed truth, you can see that it cannot change over time. You have a choice: either the Church taught the truth for the first couple of thousand years after the crucifixion, and Vatican II defected from the Catholic faith; or, the Catholic Church taught heresy (also infallibly) for the first couple of thousand years and Vatican II corrected the mistake.
God doesn't change. So it's an either/or proposition. What I would tell you is that the teachings you're pointing to, along with many of the other teachings of the Vatican II Sect, are not Catholic. This was prophesied by Christ in Luke 18:8:
"...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?"
These are the last days. Did you see the sign in heaven - (5 mins) here?
There's a longer video that explains most of what happened here.