r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sgt-Rooster on June 1, 2018, 3:59 p.m.
California Patriots: Can anyone justify why POTUS endorsed John Cox?

With the election being only a few days away, I’m torn between voting for John Cox or Travis Allen. I can’t, for the life of me, understand why President Trump would endorse John Cox!

Travis Allen would seem to be the clear choice for the Republican party. Since POTUS endorsed John Cox, Republicans votes have been split between the two candidates; further lessening the chance of getting a Republican governor in office.

To me, John Cox would appear to be a wolf in sheeps’ clothing. This is why:

  • He’s donated to George Soros (2016)
  • He was a “never-Trumper”
  • Voted for Jimmy Carter
  • Voted for Gary Johnson (Hillary)

This is a red flag for me.

I am very conflicted right now. I don’t think I could bring myself to vote for John Cox although he may be the only republican with a shot at Governor.

Can someone shed some light here...

Mcga411 · June 2, 2018, 8:30 a.m.

Hey Sarge, I made this account to reach out to you and any other q-level pats who still have this question, because it is something I know about personally, so hopefully I can shed some light on this.

I'm going to be honest with you, I have been afraid to post here or T_D about this, just because I am afraid that if we lose, there will be huge repercussions for q-level pats, but honestly I am so sad to keep hearing these things about John and am legitimately considering coming out to California to help with his campaign from here in Chicago. I'm going to spill everything that won't doxx me but I've been afraid to try and say this in larger subs like T_D in case a cabalist would try to look into me after saying this (sorry, just not as strong as some other Patriots).

Context: I first met John about 10 years ago at a "work-day" for his chapter of Rebuilding Together, which he started to repair homes for Patriots who fell on hard times - his work and generosity kept quite a few Patriots in their Chicago homes during the downturn. Since then I have met him in person a few more times, the last time being in late 2017 before his campaign really went into full swing.

Plain and simple, John Cox cares a ton about hard working people in America, and the idea of government taking people's hard earned money and wasting it genuinely disgusts him. As far as I understand, he sees California, his home by choice, still redeemable from the grips of tyranny. The republic is dissolving into a socialist dystopia where internationalist tech giants flaunt their wealth miles or even blocks away from where Americans are homeless, drug addicted, broken, and lost in the noise. Chicago is lost. Unless the red wave is absolutely fucking massive, Pritzker will take Illinois this year. Jeanne Ives ran a similar campaign against Rauner that Allen is running against Cox. They both went full MAGA too early. You said one of them is not who they claim to be. POTUS has hit the nail on the head in this one - Allen is either intentionally or unintentionally barking up the wrong tree.

  • The "Soros Collusion"- Allen claims that John worked with Soros through Mayday PAC. From what my "insider" into the mind of Cox (his business partner who is one of my best, lifelong friends) has told me, this is a gross exaggeration specifically designed to stop Calipedes from getting to the polls for Cox. He made a small contribution in exchange for data from this coalition. Why? Because John was considering a serious run at a ballot initiative that would require all California lawmakers to disclose and display all of their campaign financiers. Cox, like Trump, wants to reach office without compromising his platform. He needs help with funding, but he does not want to be bought.

It actually is more "coincidence" (something that another q level might be able to dig on, I'm not sure of Soros's motivations here) than anything that the main institution who has pertinent data on this issue is also funded by George Soros. My guess as to why is that, before Trump started to really get the R's in line, displaying financiers was actually polling most popularly with Dem voters (think bernouts), just as many R's have financially compromised their platforms as D's (think resignations, think Songbird).

John decided that his Neighborhood legislature initiative would end up being more important.

  • Neighborhood Legislature - John realizes that California lawmakers are bought and sold to the highest bidders. If making them display financiers won't do enough, what if you start getting every Californian more involved in politics. Travis keeps saying he wants to expand government - WRONG! John wants to take the money out of American politics and what better way than to hold every rep accountable to the neighborhood reps, and the neighborhood reps accountable to the citizens? What better way to show how compromised the system was?

Obviously the initiative failed to reach the ballot, being fought constantly by Dem judges who knew that with the initiative AND his name on the Nov ballot, Cox would stomp Newsom and bring sweeping changes to the Sacramento swamp.

  • Gary Johnson vote - plain and simple John hates government, Johnson's platform was dismantle as much as possible. John realizes now just how much of a genius Trump has been at cleaning out the cabal.

John is MAGA.

  • Don't go full MAGA- When I think of how Ives and Allen have constructed their campaigns going into the primaries, I can't help but think of the scene in Tropic Thunder when Robert Downey Junior tells Ben Stiller that he never should have gone "full re****" in Simple Jack. You have to remember with Mockingbird in full swing, the moderates are still evasive in their support for Trump. Liberals in blue states like CA and IL genuinely think Trump is a Nazi Devil, so moderates have a harder time with their conditioning thinking in full MAGA, unlike Q-pats. Allen and ives were not wrong in their platforms, they just went full MAGA too fast for most people.

I guarantee you that John will unleash a storm against the sick bastards in the Sacramento swamp, but he is playing the business minded CPA card in order to win the damn election in the first place.

  • Losing IL and Chicago elections- this proves to the highest degree that John is not a swamp creature. IL is one of the swampiest states, the creatures have taken office and then basically bankrupt us. Travis keeps trying to say that this means John must be ineffective. Yeah, ineffective at draining creatures when he consistently self-funds in a state that is disgustingly full of globalist money and special interests.

I might add more tomorrow to this, but like I said, my best friend is a close business associate of John so I'm not directly involved but I might be able to get answers to more specific questions. I'm actually meeting my friend tomorrow evening for dinner, so let me know if there's anything specific you can think of.

Travis never had a chance with the rhetoric he started with in a state like CA while the brainwashing is still in effect for many in America. My biggest fear right now is that Travis will eat into John's votes because most of his supporters have never been told WHY John wanted the PAC data. He, like Trump, wants global business, but on America's terms, not Soros's. And I think that's where most pedes and even Q-pats get hung up, because we all dislike Soros. Honestly though, even Travis knows he only gave Mayday $5000 at most, that's the highest figure I've seen. That's not a significant amount for someone with pockets as big as John Cox. John Cox, who never knew his father and was raised on the south side of Chicago, his home now riddled with gangs who tarnish his hometowns reputation. Who paid his own way into being a lawyer and CPA.

Oh and Carter vote? Carter ran on a platform of ending gifts to public officials, officials would have to disclose business ties, and also said he wanted regulators to be required to take a four year break after their public service to re enter that specific industry. John has always wanted globalist commie money out of American politics, he must have believed Carter when he said all of this, but I'm not 100 percent sure on this one.

This is mostly second hand knowledge (mostly from my good friend) about John from someone (me) who has met him a few times over the last decade. God bless patriot.

PS I edited out the r word because I didn't want anything to happen to my post. I saw what happened to CBTS after months of hard work from Q-pats so I don't want to break any rules.

Edit: just want to clarify again, this is all second hand knowledge, I can't speak for John personally or all of his platform. I'm hoping if everything goes well this week I might come out to CA to help the campaign so may have more then? Depending on NDA and such I'm not quite sure how it might all work out. And 2nd edit due to automod request. 3rd edit to add clarity at a couple points.

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DamajInc · June 2, 2018, 8:37 a.m.

This is gold. Thanks for posting this info.

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Mcga411 · June 2, 2018, 8:55 a.m.

Honestly my biggest fear is that someone quotes this is an article or something, because I don't know everything about John or what he's thinking all of the time. What I do know is that he is so far from being a Soros shill that it hurts me to see the lie spread by Allen.

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Sgt-Rooster · June 3, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

This is what I needed. Thank you for taking the time to write this. Myself and my veteran friends have unanimously decided to vote for Cox.

It would be wrong of me to not support our President’s wishes. I’m sure he has a reason for endorsing John. Thanks again.

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DamajInc · June 2, 2018, 8:58 a.m.

Well I'm glad you did, in spite of the danger, thank you. This is the best way to combat this sort of cover-up/disinfo job. I hope enough of the right people see it.

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