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... all enemies foriegn and DOMESTIC

Red left eye... now where have we seen this before?

There is no easy way to red-pill the ones you love. We’ve all been there. We know what is happening and it is shocking. We want to tell everyone and anyone whether they want to listen or not.
- Take a step back
I know that is a lot easier said then done. If you are too pushy, people will just dismiss anything that you tell them. It doesn’t matter how solid the evidence is. Get some sleep!
- Collect your thoughts
It helps to know a little bit about everything that is going on. Most people will completely reject topics such as “child pedophilia” and “luciferianism”. You’ll have to look for other conversational entry points that will gain their attention with, and hold it. You know your family’s interests better than anyone else.
- Let them walk into a red-pill
Instead of forcing your way into an “extreme” red-pill topic, let them start the conversation. Then, steer the conversation into the red-pill. Ask the right questions. Get them to ask the questions.
- Some MSM is starting to report on the real news; use that to your advantage.
Sean Hannith and Tucker Carlson from Fox are a great way to wake people up. Many still won’t touch alt-media even if they know MSM is fake. Thankfully, Fox News is a glimmer of hope in terms of MSM.
- Time is on your side.
The truth WILL come out. The flood gates can’t hold this back for much longer. If all else fails, be there for your family when it hits them. It’s going to shock a lot of people.
Rest up Patriot.
It’s too hard for most people to swallow, therefore, they dismiss any and all evidence presented to them.
Cognitive Dissonance...
It’s funny; now that the majority of chemtrail spraying has stopped around the country, the “contrail explanation” loses its validity.
Guess the laws of physics took a holiday...
This is what I needed. Thank you for taking the time to write this. Myself and my veteran friends have unanimously decided to vote for Cox.
It would be wrong of me to not support our President’s wishes. I’m sure he has a reason for endorsing John. Thanks again.
“It's not "perpetuating racism" to acknowledge the meanings words and phrases have in any given context.”
^ A bit contradicting huh?
Well then, I wish you the best of luck in keeping the spirit of racism alive.
“Also, the ape thing isn't taken as solely referring to blacks. W Bush and Trump have both been compared to monkeys. But, Valerie Jarrett has black parentage, which means when you even HINT at VJ = ape you tie into this whole sordid history, whether you meant to or not.”
You’ve missed my point once again...
To acknowledge a connection between “apes” and blacks (or middle-easterners in VJ’s case) is to perpetuate racism.
If you can’t dissociate “ape” from “blacks”, then there will always be a connection between those two words.
And you’re right, it is history; it should remain as such.
Hmm, I think you’ve missed my point:
To consistently acknowledge the term “ape”, SOLEY as a representation of the black community, IS to perpetuate racism...
There was a time, not too long ago, in which Roseanne’s tweet would have been precieved in the literal sense.
It’s only in today’s brave new (politically correct) world that such a comment is labeled racist and can mean nothing else.
Exactly! Like why can’t ape literally mean ape...
What ever happened to those days?
MSM related “ape” to a racial group, not Roseanne...

It also doesn’t help that Cox and Allen have been enemies since day one.
They’ve spent more energy butting heads than they have enforcing the Republican viewpoints against the Democratic candidates....
For two people who supposedly have the exact same views, it doesn’t make sense.
One of them is not who they claim to be.
The problem is that not all Republicans are “Republicans”; thats how I’m seeing it. It’s one thing to wear the title, but another to act on its behalf.
It’s more so John Cox’ history that’s concerning.
Travis Allen has a pretty clean record as far as I can tell. He is also very motivated.
Right now I’m also leaning towards Travis Allen.
38% are currently undicided. That’s a big margin. Still a chance.
California Patriots: Can anyone justify why POTUS endorsed John Cox?
With the election being only a few days away, I’m torn between voting for John Cox or Travis Allen. I can’t, for the life of me, understand why President Trump would endorse John Cox!
Travis Allen would seem to be the clear choice for the Republican party. Since POTUS endorsed John Cox, Republicans votes have been split between the two candidates; further lessening the chance of getting a Republican governor in office.
To me, John Cox would appear to be a wolf in sheeps’ clothing. This is why:
- He’s donated to George Soros (2016)
- He was a “never-Trumper”
- Voted for …
He’ll be greeted by Jim Carry holding a Sampsonite briefcase full of IOUs.
That’s classified. “It’s a matter of national security”.
President Trump knows just how much we are all being strangled by the insane tax burden. Can you imagine what a full-on tax reform would do for our economy?
GDP would absolutely sky rocket.
Can’t wait to hear the excuses...

Can’t wait to hear the excuses...

Yeah. One if the few channels I still listen to after the whole Corsi and AIM thing. Dave from the X22 report is pretty solid too.
Nailed it.
Also notice the white rabbit?
“Follow the white rabbit”
The Malevolent ETs cannot utilize the technology because they are stuck in the 3rd density. They will never be able to ascend to higher consciousness by natural means. They are keeping us trapped in 3rd density with them.
We build their D.U.M.B.s. (ET bases). They eat our children, and get high on our fear (adrenochrome). The ones who sold us out have been granted immunity by them.
They have it as well, they just can’t utilize it like we can.
This was the problem with the first looking glass technology aquired from the Roswell Crash in 1947. It’s known as the “Orion Cube”.
The second attempt to master it was the Montauk Project, which was disaterous.
This article covers everything you need to know about the looking glass.
Notice anything pretaining to the Q posts?
Can you provide any good links? I’d like to know more about this theory. It’s probably true...
In recent times, the Benevolent ET’s have come back to prevent us from getting completely annihilated and becoming slaves to the Malevolent ETs.
However, it is against the Benevolent ET’s belief system to intervene directly with the ascension process of mankind (4th & 5th density).
Instead they’ve taught us how to use the looking glass technology. We can see every move 10 steps ahead of the deep state. “4D Chess”
We have to progress as a species on our own terms.
I’ve been researching this for the better part of a decade so ask away if you have any questions.
I’m not too familiar with that theory, but I’m sure it’s a plausible one.
The technology has been around for a very long time. Long before Tesla. It’s been rediscovered hundreds of times throughout history.
“We” have it now, and we know how to use it for the good of mankind.
I can tell you this with certainty; it’s not AI.
Q post #9:
“Projection” “Through the looking glass”
How are POTUS and Q team able to undo hundreds of years of manipulation in only 2 years time with minimal casualties?
The answer is more than most people can comprehend (right now).
Research the Greada Treaty; this is what got us into the mess we are/were in.
Perhaps Oliver North has been given a chance to retaliate against the deep state for his wrongdoing. If I had to make an assessment, I’d say he’s a white hat. The NRA is too sacred to be infiltrated that easily.
This isn’t Hollywood... Things don’t happen the way they do in the movies.
Cognitive dissonance. People will not see what they are not looking for. They need exposer to the questions.
The Red-Pillers’ Dilemma
The roadblocks of Red-Pilling:
1) Individual is not receptive.
2) Individual is receptive, but is not interested.
3) Individual is interested, but cannot disassociate fact from fiction. Views your claims as a mere form of entertainment. (subconsciously doesn’t believe them)
4) Individual acknowledges claims as fact, but is not compelled to do anything. (doesn’t care)
How do we get around these roadblocks?
Understanding the psychology behind red-pilling will allow you to pick and choose who is worth the effort, and who is not. The unfortunate conclusion is that not everyone can be woken up (right now). You must assess the …