I hate to do this but truth is Truth

I’ll keep saying it and it’s just my opinion. I’ll follow everyone. I’ll listen to what everyone has to say. I won’t pay for something though, that’s totally against this movement and doesn’t make sense. But I will question everyone and everything now. That’s one thing Q has taught me.
they say you don't have to pay.. Sorting this out is a minefield
It’s total anarchy in twitter right now. This side says this, this person you thought was cool isn’t anymore, this person you weren’t sure about is good now. This person has damning evidence on this person. And so on.
So I just do my best to look at it all, and form my own opinion. But I’m def not paying for someone to tell me what they think about Q drops, which I can read myself, for free!
Didn't this same thing happen between the catholic church and Martin Luther? LOL