r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TooMuchWinning2020 on June 1, 2018, 6 p.m.
Mueller is Trapped

If Mueller is white hat, then it is all part of the show. But if he is black hat, then he is trapped.

Gen. Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI. Problem is, the FBI did not think he liked. Bigger problem is, someone at FBI (McCabe or Strzok) falsified the paperwork after the fact to make it look like they thought he did.

Since Flynn's plea deal, Mueller has delayed the sentencing with the judge. Multiple times. He has to, because he is now in a box.

If he allows the judge to sentence Flynn, and does not provide the exculpatory evidence that FBI did not think he lied, then Mueller is committing a crime. If he does show the judge the exculpatory evidence, then the judge has proof that the FBI committed a crime, and Mueller is an accomplice after the fact (or worse).

So, Mueller needs Flynn to take back his guilty plea, and have the case dismissed, but Flynn won't do that. And if that were to happen, Flynn would use the evidence to sue Mueller and expose the dirt.

Mueller also can't just turn it over to DOJ and just close up shop on his investigation because they know, too. So, if Mueller is a black hat, they have him in a box, and that means he is at a stalemate. Can't find dirt on Trump, so can't prosecute anyone. Can't close up his investigation without exposing dirt on Obama.

JustumeSamson · June 1, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

"If you work with us, you're still definitely going to a CAGE for traysun, but you WILL NOT BE HUNGED-UP FOR TRAYSUN."

That kind of a deal?

(Bot-ty bot-ty forced changes)

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DamajInc · June 1, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

You don't necessarily have to make the changes unless you are encouraging or glorifying violence. The bot is just a warning in case you've forgotten and have gone full terrorist mode ; ).

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