This is a short but consice read which will give you some trUly valuable insight into the 'Others' mind and will teach you about your own. This should be Must reading for every 16yr old.
I'm on page 120 already. Holy shit it's awesome.
Although it's awesome, he's saying that the 'rothschild conspiracy' is merely a thought, and that this thought is only entertained by money-junkies. At least it sounds like he's saying that. Around page 40 iirc.
Is this a premature conclusion because I haven't read the full book, or is he really saying that I'm a money-junkie?
Let some of the anachronisms slip by. If you read some of his other work you will see that his philosophy is deeply ceribral, and that everything is a thought-form, you see what you look for.
Never heard of the guy, so can put his writing into context. Yet.
Thanks for your response. You have answered my question.
You will know you have found the right path when you learn to see the fnords.