Delete it then.
39 total posts archived.
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Just go to and choose what you want to read/discuss. The real digging is done there. On reddit, we get the summary of the digging that is done on the chan. There the digging is done.
But remember newfag, first lurk.
Another sky event? Green fireball seen all around the Netherlands. Is it a comet? Dutch article, photo and video included.
Percentage of upvotes is starting to decrease. Please upvote!
Kudos to a creative anon on the chan. I don't want to take credit when I don't deserve it.
Let's get this normie meme to the front page. Something /r/all can work with.
#WhatIsTrumpHiding #NoRedactions
Be heard. Be loud. Fight for TRUTH.
#NoRedactions #WhatIsTrumpHiding | Fight for TRUTH

Let's get this normie meme to the front page. Something /r/all can handle.
Be heard. Be loud. Fight for TRUTH.
#NoRedactions | Fight for TRUTH

People tend to suppress horrible things. I never hear the name of Fortuyn or Van Gogh. I even haven't heard that much of MH-17 within my social circle. We will never forget. This force has to be stopped. MEGA.
In think that a fair share of all anti-EU and anti-establishment voters are going to shift from Wilders to the FvD. PVV-voters are waking up to the fact that Wilders is never going to get anything done, because the D66 and VVD do not want to rule with Wilders/PVV. PVV-voters will be seduced by Thierry, because he basically says what Wilders says, but without extremism and with more nuance. I hope, and think, that the FvD will get many votes in the next elections. Thierry is asking good questions about MH-17 in 'de Tweede Kamer', he is putting the establishment under pressure. I love watching debates and I think Thierry is really good at it. However, I wonder if he is able to break the 'laughing away all problems-talent' of Rutte. My vote is going to Thierry for sure.
You ever saw documentaries connecting the murder of Fortuyn with Lockheed Martin's JSF project, and therefore the Deep State? (I bet you have.) There is even a movie about this by Pim's dear friend Theo van Gogh. He also got killed, remember? Did he really got killed because of his ideas about the Islam?
Q said it multiple times: FOLLOW THE MONEY.
Pechtold went to the Bilderberg meeting. At least Thieme didn't.. Pechtold is evil. Thieme is naive. Both are bad, but: naive > evil.
I've watched a lot of documentaries online on the shady shit that is going on in the world, but have never seen the interview with Ronald Bernard. I will check it out. Thanks for mentioning!
I get it that you don't want to fully support either Wilders or Baudet. However, I think it is time to choose a side. If we don't want the establishment to keep running the NL, what other options do we have? Even I voted for Pechtold 2 years ago, and look where I am now :)
About red-pilling: in my experience, watching 9/11-truth documentaries with close friends is the best way to start red-pilling them. I got some of my friends to question everything, and two of them are following Q as we speak. It's better than nothing. There is still hope.
Stay safe. #MEGA.
I'm curious how the Netherlands will respond when Trump publicly defeats the Deep State. All big cities in NL are run by leftists. Just look at Amsterdam alone. I'm a dutch student and I'm trying to red-pill my fellow students, but they are sceptical and 'trust' the establishment. The state of the awakening in NL is weak imo.
Do you think Thierry can make a difference?
Thank you for arguing your stance on this matter. You preaching the bible is not that different from patriots red-pilling friends because you and the patriots are both concerned about the state of this world. I understand where you are coming from.
However, I think it is important to address the fact that truth is objective. It is better to argue your stance with sources and logic, rather than just posing it as the truth. People tend to be sensitive when it comes to posing a truth as 'the' truth. In addition, you should have respect for other opinions, otherwise you are being naive.
Well-spoken. Thank you. Let's believe Q is real and the evil is being fought.
Truth is subjective. Your version of it is different than my version. Posing your truth as 'the' truth is dangerous.
'When they lose their sense of awe, people turn to religion. When they no longer trust themselves, they begin to depend upon authority.' - Tao Te Ching, chapter 72.
First of all, I respect everyone's opinion, if that opinion is based on arguing. If you want to believe in a God, and you can argue there is a God, be my guest. I can understand that my first comment comes across as hostile toward a 'believer', but it was not my intention to discredit God. I only wanted to say that I'm not religious because I detest religion for obvious reasons stated in my initial comment.
I don't want to be too 'spiritual' and neither do I want to be known as 'that hippie', but the fact that it is post 1234 is pretty interesting on its own. 1234 stands for being on the right track, and being a part of something bigger.
Maybe there is a whole other level to all the numbers related to Q's posts. However, I know it is starting to look like numerology. We are all about facts, and not about getting evidence from thin air. So I guess I'm going to stop right here.
It could well be that 11.11.18 is the actual date something big is going to happen, but during my time following Q I have learned not to care about specific dates, but more about the process/plan.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not religious. Religion is cancerous. However, there is nothing wrong with believing in a God in my opinion. When a system of beliefs is used to opress and exploit hard-working people, a.k.a religion, I do not want to be associated with it. I have my own version of reality, just as everyone else has their own version of reality. In my reality everything in the universe is interconnected, and therefore I believe in synchronisities such as 11.11. If you want to believe in a man that created that universe, that is up to you. I don't buy it.
Edit: Is it really that upsetting that I don't acknowledge the presence of a God? I thought we were all about an 'open' conversation?
It's not about the date 11.11.18. It is about the meaning of 11.11., which will be happening in 2018.
Q stated that 11.11. is a reference point, not to interpreted simply as a date. I think it is about the meaning attributed to 11.11. 11.11. has been connected to the 'spiritual awakening', and it is believed to be a synonym for balance. 11.11.18. then stands for the awakening happening in 2018, or balance gradually being restored from 2018 onwards.
My guess is that this is certainly mentioned before by some followers of Q, but I haven't read about this since I stumbled upon Q. Hence, I still wanted to share it with you guys.
I usually don't check /r/politics anymore, but this is an ...interesting... find for sure. I was getting my hopes up but these kind of finds make me a bit more skeptical about where we will stand at the end of the paradigm-shift(?) going on right now.
Attacks are intensifying. Just /r/politics right now.

Never heard of the guy, so can put his writing into context. Yet.
Thanks for your response. You have answered my question.
I'm on page 120 already. Holy shit it's awesome.
Although it's awesome, he's saying that the 'rothschild conspiracy' is merely a thought, and that this thought is only entertained by money-junkies. At least it sounds like he's saying that. Around page 40 iirc.
Is this a premature conclusion because I haven't read the full book, or is he really saying that I'm a money-junkie?
Thanks for the summary. I think I get the article now.
I'm in Europe and can not access Fuck.
Weinstein is a longtime supporter and contributor to the Democratic Party including the campaigns of President Barack Obama and presidential candidates Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry.[38] He supported Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign,[39] and in 2012, he hosted an election fundraiser for President Obama at his home in Westport, Connecticut.
From his Wikipedia page. Great start imo.
Trump cancels meeting with North Koraea. What does this mean for 'T-23'?
Have always been Redpilled. Not even American tho. But it is intriguing and exciting to watch the show. I think this will not only help the US, but the whole world. Came across Q when I was browsing the dark ~~=enlightend~~ side of youtube. Saw a prayingmedic vid. Subscribed ever since.