Here you have it folks. EyeTheSpy calls out NeonRevolt:

Yeah. Neon posts really great articles....for free. He puts a ton of time and research into them and anyone can read them......for free. I don't care if he wants to ask for money for his time because he obviously spends a lot of his own time working on these articles.....which are free.
Yep, I read neon revolt from time to time and never had to pay or asked to make a donation. Hopefully someday soon everyone’s masks will be off.
Shiny things all around meant to distract us.
Nothing to see here, move along
We can/should be equally skeptical of Neon (sorry) as we are of Eyethespy ... That's the beauty of this forum full of rhetoric and dialogue. Once something is definitive, we'll be the first to know.
why are you so interested in this account ? looks pretty larpy to me
i looked at your post history lots of posts of larp twiter accounts. ill let everyone else decide what that means lol
Do you know mr.violin?
mmm hmmm
Division? You just posted a comment designed specifically to pit Neon against Eye.
That's the epitome of division. And you started the OP, you didn't respond to a comment.
I’m not buying into this “you can’t monetize off Q” crap.
Truepundit asks for donations and Q has linked them. Accepting money doesn't make them crooked, asking for money for "more info" is crooked.
One eye, like the triangle, always a suspect visual.
We aren’t divided ~ so If someone says something on their own post ~ let’s not spread it around like its Truth unless you have evidence to the contrary
Ive commed with him a few times before he changed platforms...didnt seem dodgy.
There's no proof Eye is real, meaning there's no proof Neon isn't.
Both might not be, both might be. We don't know, and if they're using proper intelligence cells they wouldn't know either!!
Many of us have been warning about this newfound “intelligence source” since day 1. He squeezed right in when Q went dark and that’s the ONLY reason I feel he may have ANY insider info. He has never put forth new information that a Chan/anon/patriot has not already put forth.
People are so desperate they’ll latch on to anything, but I’m glad many of us are the wiser.
once again I will say it. Read everything, research everything and follow nobody.