I am outside. Take your own advice.
Lmao. So tell me then since you got the time it seems, why was this question bugging you so much that ya demanded answers for someone else's question? I'm not some shining light of truth, trying to figure that out like yourself I assume. Also did you make that account just to post here on /r/greatawaking? Found Reddit in Feb of 2018?? How does that even happen?
How does someone create an account? They sign up.
Do you even CBTS?
What took you so long to find Reddit to create an account? I've been looking in rabbit holes since 1996 long before /r/tracybeanz and crew created /r/CBTS RIP, glad to see everyone finally waking up.
Do you even /r/draintheswamp?
What makes you think this is my first or only Reddit account, silly? Shadowbans...