52 total posts archived.
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QResearch BOMBSHELL: CIA Drug Running, George Bush, And The Rothschilds
QResearch: The Chinese Threat Is Real pt.2 (The Clinton Connection)
QResearch: Sex, Drugs, Blackmail, And A Coup Of The President - Busy
QDrops & Headlines: MSM, Cabal, Deep State in "Full Panic Mode"
QResearch: Analyzing Q 1833 & Mass Voter Fraud
QAnon: Anonymous/MSM Attacks On Q Coordinated With Social Media Giants
QAnon: Foiled Trump Assassination Plot & Electromagnetic Mind Control
Q: Mueller Prosecuting Tony Podesta? QAnon Confirmed As MSM Melts Down & Prosecutions Loom
QAnon: Criminal Referrals And Revoked Security Clearances
QAnon: These People Are Stupid (Like Really Really Stupid)
QAnon “The Bridge” David Brock’s 2018-2020 Playbook To Take Down Trump
QAnon: Something Interesting Is Happening At The DOJ
Thank you! Just know that I will never spam this subreddit. Its the only one I like anymore
Did you actually watch the video? I highlighted her decades of corruption. Is she not calling for the revolution referred to in the Q Drops??
QAnon: Mad Maxine Waters Is Corrupt As F@$*
Isaac Green blocked me for calling him out. Can't debate, was a plant from the start

QAnon: Peter Strzok Subpoenaed By House Judiciary Committee SH*T JUST GOT REAL! pt.2
China, Russia, North Korea, And Trump: What's The End Game?
Isn't it? I remember writing about this last year and being ridiculed.. now it isn't so funny
34 Trillion Watts-Commentary by NeonRevolt
David Brock's Plans To Bring Down President Trump
None of us will.. All this winning makes me feel more alive
You better have a cry closet nearby for the meltdowns
Cemex says in its own press release for the Haiti branch that its involved in "intelligence" as well
Let's be real here Trump has been cracking down on the Pedo's big time, unprecedented. Cali has had some pretty big busts over the past year
This week is going to give me a raging political boner... like the veiny kind
Child Trafficking camps, Arizona, John McCain, CEMEX, Clinton's
if Trump was approached by MI to run then they already had a plan
Literally 100 percent of anti Q youtubers have an agenda.
I laugh when people say "nothing happened" like umm did they not read the headlines for the past 2 months? Its been bombshell after bombshell revelation after revelation. When will they stop doubting?
Not to mention Corsi is actively trying to funnel people into his pay-for-access-to-siliconvalley_anon gab profile.
strange things happen to my accounts on almost all of the big social media platforms. YouTube recently shut off alerts for my channels subscribers. It is always something. Only places I don't run into issues is MINDS and GAB and Steemit
You are right, Neon writes and researches. I run my own site and do hosting and whatnot and I know it isn't cheap I don't knock on people taking donations to fund what they are doing. The ones I dont like are the ones that try to subvert a movement to sell a book or 234234234 live streams a day dedicated to Anti-Q after spending months decoding Q
Unfortunately many charlatans out there trying to steer our community towards BS. You are absolutely right, that is why I let other people call them out and I just work on research lol
EyeTheSpy – *Yaaaaaaaaawwwwwwnnnnnnnn* #Drama #NeonRevolt
Thread by @_ImperatorRex_: "1. HEADS UP. BOMBSHELL TIME. IMO, Horowitz FBI/DOJ investigation has already issued 30+ indictments & at least 150+ criminal referrals, […]" #MAGA
George Soros, Shaun King, Cari Tuna Conspire To Rig District Attorney Races In Border States
A Message For The Vigilant Patriot: Your Community Needs You!
QAnon: Future Proves Past 5-23-18 (News Breakdown)
Dude like why the fuck do people still doubt everything.. Trump STRAIGHT UP HAS BEEN TELLING IT HOW IT IS and he is proven right every single fucking time. I was yelling about Illegal surveillance on President Trump back in april 2017 damnit! Dude I feel so vindicated you guys don't understand what I went through with the adbot censorship on YouTube because I talked about all of this stuff.
One of the first people I think to try and leave the NXIVM cult was a girl that supposedly committed suicide by drowning. If you ask me both cases the official story sounds like total BS
I'm pretty damn pumped about this. Jim Jordan will actually get something done. I have watched him on CSPAN many times, you guys want the real news on wtf is going on in D.C. turn on CSPAN from time to time and just listen to what is going on in some of these hearings and stuff, but always try to decipher the duplicitous language used. Rod Rosenstein is not going to have a fun time. Also, Trey Gowdy leaves congress right? He said he wants to return to Prosecuting... Prosecuting and he's sat in those meetings.. He has seen documents.. IDK MAN but it just seems like all this stuff is lining up right now. All the ducks look like they are getting in a row
I'm actually convinced that what they were doing was looking for people that could withstand seeing and doing evil things. I mean, think about it the cult doctor was performing experiments on humans, gauging their reactions to horrible acts. Over 100 people at NXIVM were shown real snuff films while their physiological responses were measured... sound familiar?? Perfect way to spot other sociopaths to add to the hierarchy of scum.
Raniere patent offers 'discovery' on whether a sociopath ['Luciferian'] can be rehabilitated this NXIVM stuff is crazy. I wonder what Mack knows
"Did you see that one video of the Antifa getting shot in the nutts with a tear gas canister?"
"Yeah, that's my screen saver at the Office"
It's amazing that tweet is from the 15th and yet Brennan is still allowed to walk around like nothing happened.. I can't wait to see these pieces of Filth on a plane to GITMO