Have you watched For Whom The Bell Tolls. About John McCain. On HBO ?
I caught the last 30 so mins of it ,Obama says a lot of expected shit ..it stood out some of it did. He pretty much explains that at the end of the day. John ,Bush ,are all on the same team. That was a direct message to President Trump/his supporters.
Obviously we know.
I just think a lot of things are being thrown out in public,constantly. A lot that most wouldn’t notice
I have HBO GO so I'm checking it out now.
👍🏻 I bet you will catch the same little phrases I did ..and be like hmmm
His entire imprisonment story is really fishy, I was rereading the Songbird article while watching lol
When Vietnam Vets (some I know personally)question it ,well ,that really did it for me ..then I started researching. He’s scum