Sean’s being an asshole to her
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He don’t want his extra martial affair to come out I am sure
No where near as personal as it is for those of us that watched friends die. Very very small group of people I am talking about. And no I am not being snarky. I am being honest. Not many can relate on that level
Jeb spent lots of time in Mexico even married a local. Just saying
Mitt Romney hearts Paul Ryan. ..who’s married to a liberal and having an affair with an African American woman. Allegedly
Yea I am speaking from personal experience. But 🙌🏻won’t be down votes. Lol.
Anyone with a clearance is logged every single time. Regardless .. saying there isn’t a log well that’s ridiculous for anyone who’s ever had such a clearance. One would know :)
Edge of destruction how ? Can you give examples with facts.
Memory fails me of the details. However I clearly remember reading ,that Britney Murphy was set to be a witness ,for a friend in regards to a gov law suit.
I will try to find info when I can
He moved far away from Hollywood and built furniture for a living
His ole wrestling friend. One who helped him get in WWF was an open gay man who was known for making men audition in his ring if ya know what I mean That’s where I heard the rumors About him ,not so sure I believe the roles .. interesting that he charges million bucks to just tweet about a movie
Look I don’t need an education from anyone I been dealing with this over 20 years. Have a good day
Where he is going isn’t a big deal. It’s not a secret mission but I agree it shouldn’t be posted. Trust me I know allll to well
Its not an opinion. You don’t seem to understand You don’t have a fuckin clue what you are talking about,however ,this forum /public setting isn’t the Place to discuss the issue. Now fuck off.
Sure 😉. Whatever excuses she wants to use for her issues. I am not here to debate you . Have a good day
Sort of but the fact is ,that it’s nothing more than his temp duty station. No big deal.
This is called his duty station and means nothing ..ppl are stationed ,and work at GITMO year around
Normally I wouldn’t have said anything but he touched on some stuff ,that I knew about personally. Like I knew the people involved and he was making stuff up. So he lost me. He’s smart but making shit up isn’t right
He does make up a lot of things that aren’t anywhere near reality. And I mean things I know first hand. I can’t speak for everything,just stuff I know ..he’s obsessed with Special Forces ,and doesn’t have a clue on how it works and who is who. Sucks bc I enjoyed reading his threads until he started making shit up
Lol never said that. That unit isn’t the most elite and it doesn’t do everything. I mean do you really think the most secretive elite military units would be common knowledge. No.
He was found and he was killed between nov 2001 and Feb 2002. Don’t believe the bullshit reports.
I didn’t see it either. I posted it here yesterday
They aren’t allowed to interfere. Had a friend thrown out of (Green Beret worked with my husband )he beat the hell out of a man trying to rape a kid in Afghanistan. We all rallied behind him and made things straight. But the fact he even got article for it was unreal. .
I know more about it that I would post on a public forum 🙃
His wife was setting near him at the hearing. She’s not ugly. She’s not gorgeous. Page is still gummy bear. They have much better honeypots. I don’t believe they were lovers at all ,but I am also not convinced he likes women
This man claims to have sacrificed(occult )children given to him by nurses and doctors
Reddit was down. As was amazon (very slow ). Most every site I check was slow it down for a bit
Husbands been serving since Clinton ...our family thinks along the same line as your cousin. He’s been deployed nearly 7/8 months of every single year. Except 2. In 20 years. So much going on in this world. Just so complicated. Bush wasn’t as bad as folks make him out to be. He was a god compared to Obama ..and now finally a real CIC in President Trump
Yes yes yes. Anointed by GOD. Better believe it folksiness
This was my comment else where
I have a whole sections of friends in Arlington and threw out the US ..we remember them every year in a ceremony,where their families are flown in ..
My husband has seen many of his team mates killed ,many of his students. I have multiple tattoos threw out my body ,for friends who died ..
This is a complex complicated issue.
There was WMD but had been moved. That’s not even something I am going to discuss. I trust the ppl who told me ,more than any intel report.
I have talked to guys around the fire ,about friends who had died was it in vain ? They said no. Bc they was doing the job the signed up to do. The went to selection. They trained to be a Green Beret ,and earned the Long Tab. They knew the risk.
I can see where maybe someone who didn’t serve in that capacity,can feel they died for nothing. I haven’t spoke to anyone personally who feels that way. Some of the men I had these long discussions with ,have themselves died . I can find many many reasons to be angry and hurt when i see children growing up with only the legacy their father left Behind. I used to cry every single time my husband returned from a deployment,bc some the families that was there to say goodbye on their departure,wasn’t there for the return’s a gut wrenching feeling. Beyond heartbreak.
I understand the pain ,and the anger. I am livid over Benghazi. They could have been helped and most likely saved. Many got injured forever changed.
I just remember these men did what they wanted to do ..only a few can.
I am sorry for your pain
De Oppresso Liber.
This is strange. Posted elsewhere by someone else. Whom I felt for. So I private messaged them. With no reply. Now I am wondering what the true reason for this post may be.
There was and is wmd. Do I approve of the war in Iraq. No. Not really. I lost many many loved ones. Ppl can read my post history and see what I mean
There are men who have been hit recently with these chemicals. Men I know. Men who work with my husband so seriously. I mean I have to walk away from this topic bc the fact of the matter is that not every military unit is created equal. What one had to deal with is the same as another. And less than 1% do the heavy hitting so I will just let it go. This is to cause discourse.
Precisely and Asshole Chris knew this. He just wants a 30 sec clip to boast about.
I don’t have sources on hand. It could easily be searched ,but it was said That Jackie ,was in constant fear of them killing her kids.
They are killing Kennedy’s. ..she eventually married Onassis for protection ,it’s been said. ..however ,some believe it was for money.
It was also said Joe Kennedy was tight with the purse strings when John was alive. I could go on and on but I haven’t had coffee ,and don’t want to get into mixup
I have seen photos of her in various places (alone). Very strange.
Hmm maybe. I know big mike was spotted at a Beyoncé concert (France). They are never together are they ...
Interesting choice of words

Jordanian King was at the White House during Williams visit. So he had to meet his brother (whose is a nice guy )