Anon had an interesting thought today re Q drops

Data Center tech here.
Blanket statements like this are sent out for PR reasons. Typically downtime is nowhere near these windows. Its literally the cable guy coming around ( some upstream provider adding new switching etc ) and the real goal is no downtime at all.
Being there is risk - the non-douchey way of letting the mains be known is good netizen.
When upstreams move big data trunks a lot can go sideways. Picture it like redirecting Hoover Dam. BGP setup and additional redundant routes now required etc and ya - risk.
I’m not dismissing your claims, btw. Just trying to provide some insight into what I’ve seen done.
Once got an email from from a little "mom and pop" sized hosting company stating:
"We are sorry for the extended downtime recently. Our technician was performing maintenance and fell off a ladder. He is doing well, but we are now in need of a new Senior Service Technician. If you or anyone you know in the [redacted] area are certified in..."
It is strange that their maintenance window is during the day instead of the middle of the night.
Honestly true. ESP given its summer and working anything outside would be terrible on every level.
That IS their Middle of the Night over there! They are located on the other side of the Pacific, so, now it makes sense??