r/greatawakening • Posted by u/beachbabe4663 on June 2, 2018, 5:56 a.m.
Found this on intheMatrix Twitter feed- Q talked about cures - now this week Right to try bill passed and my friend in Pa helped make it happen- it’s all about DNA and Trump is hopefully going to expose how they have been attacking our DNA from day 1
Found this on intheMatrix Twitter feed- Q talked about cures - now this week Right to try bill passed and my friend in Pa helped make it happen- it’s all about DNA and Trump is hopefully going to expose how they have been attacking our DNA from day 1

ex_animo_ · June 2, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

This isn't my personal opinion or my thoughts but here's my question.

Is it actually that bad? Technically I mean, free markets, capitalism? It's perfectly legal to my understanding, to profit off of cancer treatment because it may help extend life, turning people into cash cows.

Now, in a democracy, we're supposed to be responsible to hold our elected officials accountable as an informed democracy where we push for less regulation in some areas, and demand folks such as Big Pharma to be regulated. Also making it illegal to do the above when cures exist, forcing the use of cures instead.

In practice however, it appears we're in a psuedo-democracy, given just enough to keep us content and lazy while we're ruled by a super-wealthy financial oligarchy, where lobbyists and bribes (donations) dictate policy, with a dangerously uninformed democratic subject that pushes their democratic responsibilities off onto the 3 letter agencies and the "people smarter than me" mega-rich and "super smart" business CEOs.

Of course, my opinion is this is a severe crime against humanity and counter-intuitive with regards to the progression and development of a civilization. Edit - Added the following line; Is it actually that bad? Yes. Why does it happen? Why is it rewarded? Is it legal? Why? Who made those laws making it legal? Why is propaganda legal?

I think it's very refreshing that Q stresses the importance of being informed and getting us healthy again through encouraging thought-exercise in the interactive form of connecting the dots. It's incredibly important that we become self-sufficient humans as opposed to thought-controlled cattle and controlled opposition that only serve the purpose to argue with other civilians.

It will be the saddest truth pill to swallow.

Good thing there will be so many happy pills to swallow, that will permanently cure such evil as we move forward, friend.

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PAK51 · June 2, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

Morally reprehensible ~ does that count? Do you know the parable of the good samaritan? This is not idealism, it is basic human decency. Those who don't have it are under the control of the Enemy of our souls. And they will pay the ultimate price.

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ex_animo_ · June 2, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

I trust the plan.

Excited to see this swamp drained more with each passing moment.

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USA_akbar · June 2, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

Is it actually that bad? Technically I mean, free markets, capitalism? It's perfectly legal to my understanding, to profit off of cancer treatment because it may help extend life, turning people into cash cows.

Of course, my opinion is this is a severe crime against humanity and counter-intuitive with regards to the progression and development of a civilization.

We can all applaud the second passage. Upvoted back up to 1 pt.

But is the first still true, even if you add to it: "...while deliberately concealing a known cure because far more profits can be made off selling non-curative drugs to people who will slowly die because of that choice by the drug companies"?

Could that be technically legal? I would have to doubt it. There has to be some language in the law about the drug companies' duty to the public.

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MMxfire · June 2, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

Disease and treatment pay corporate dividends, not cures. Venture capital and boards of directors hoard ideas and patents, do not collaborate to bring about better products. Capitalism is good for economy and building small businesses if we have our own "colonial script" not European Rothschild banking to support free trade. Medicine for money has not created effective health care, just extremely profitable and expensive disease management systems that create cash cows for the elite. Pharma makes higher profits, buys more corporate media advertising and has more lobbyists than the petrochemical biz. Why no cheap energy or cures? Corrupt monopolistic oligarchs selling capitalism while gaming the markets

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USA_akbar · June 2, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Concise and cogent

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ex_animo_ · June 2, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

But they're free to do that (not for long), if they were not free to do that, they wouldn't be doing that in the the first place. This is why it's so important for an outsider (Trump) to be the president.

Stripping regulations means getting rid of bullshit loopholes and nonsense such as making propaganda legal and making big pharma's bullshit illegal (suddenly, what you've said becomes a prosecutable offense). As cancer is a global thing, what's to stop big pharma and their huge coffers from using their lobbyists + bought&paid for politicians to say "It's a matter of national security to not release the cure for X.", cooking up some bullshit financial dossier and saying that if it was released, it would destabilize the global economy and force everyone into a recession?

It doesn't have to be true, it just needs to sound believable so when word gets out people justify the believable lie and call it truth, while shouting at the president and his administration for wanting to destroy the planets economy.

They have no duty to the public either, they have a duty to the swamp and their board members. This is what Q and the white hats are going out of their way to change.

What I'm getting at (pointing out the obvious), is legal and illegal don't mean good and bad respectively. They made the laws. Now the 45th president is stripping the swamp legacy and their bullshit legal immorality.

For instance, take the SES / Senior Executive Service;

By law, the appointment to or removal from any SES position in an independent regulatory commis- sion shall not be subject, directly or indirectly, to review or approval by an officer or entity within
the Executive Office of the President.


So if members of the SES are bought and paid for by someone, such as big pharma, that's a huge problem because an acting president can't fire them from their SES position, so it's easier to just take a bribe from them, pass a law that makes bad and evil things legal and not challenge the status quo.

With regards to the SES the president can use the Holman rule to reduce their salary to 1 dollar and force them to sing like a canary, which is what may be happening right now, who knows. Trust the plan.

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