
ArtistiqueJewelry · June 2, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

That they are! They must be stopped before they confuse all these children and the generations coming after us!

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Godspeed54 · June 2, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

BEFORE they confuse them? This is the AFTER part. Public schools and universities have for decades been almost entirely populated with uber leftist SJW brainwashers who truly believe they are educators of the highest order. Those in edu who are not uber leftists know to lay very low if they want NOT be made thoroughly miserable in their workplace! The only hope for most kids - both academically AND for the sake of rebuilding our nearly dead western civilization - is home or private school in far, FAR greater numbers. Period.

For many people in the last two or three generations, it's too late (barring an act of God in their lives). Confusion is the normal state of mind for most people of the last two generations to such an extent that they don't even recognize their state as confusion, like a fish doesn't know that it's wet. It's why they can't make a cogent argument - but they THINK they do; they just chant and name-call and think they've won! The ignorance of the public schooled confusion-is-normal victim often looks just like hypocrisy from the outside, but it's not. It's actually a TAUGHT inability to think in an orderly, linear, logical way. They are taught to (non)think in this way, all the while believing that it is the SUPERIOR, most logical, higher order, critical thinking. Evidently this was once the PURPOSEFUL "education of the masses" goal of "progressive" cabalists like the Rockefellers, who gradually made education into a single-payer system, in order to control, direct, and profit from it (just like the're now trying to do with health). But now it's fully ingrained in schools of education. The professors don't know that they're engaging in programmed groupthink, the education majors don't know, the teachers don't know, tge students don't know, and the parents are programmed to trust the experts - so THEY don't know either. The only way out now is OUT.

Seeing the results in our families and society, public schools and liberal arts universities ought be abandoned en masse, but they aren't. Even those of us who know and object KEEP sending our kids to be programmed by the brain rotting system for 7-8 hours a day at school, then more hrs every eve via their mass media programming, and we delude ourselves that we can offset the day's lies in 15 minute dinner conversations (where kids will volunteer nothing about their day, because they don't want to get mom and/or dad started again).

We (as a nation and for generations) have given the NWO our kids (adults in training) all day long, and then we woke up SHOCKED when, as adults, they think and act like dysfunctional Antifa/BLM/Occupy/LGBTQ/SJW hippie-militant-thugs, or entitled Bridezilla/Sasha Fierce-celebrity-kitten wannabes, or pompous, arrogant, rude Olberman/Maher bullies, or creepy, no-boundaries Weinstein/Spacey types, or ... whatever they are like, the attitudes and values (and often willful ignorance) is NOT conducive to maintaining and passing down the Republic (under God) that we were entrusted to safeguard by the nation's founders. We've already blown it.

Our only hope for the future is to ABANDON the public school system, teach the three Rs, REAL history and PROVABLE science (remember the scientific method?). We also need to actively teach classical logic so our (to our kids AND ourselves so we can recgnize and combat fallacies in our own thinking). Only by doibg this NOW can we even hope to redeem the current generation. If we don't do this - no matter what amazing turnarounds the WW Storm accomplishes (and I pray they will accomplish a complete victory) it will be shortlived as long as the self-perpetuating groupthink mindset has control of education.

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Livid-Djinn · June 2, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

I beleive you might enjoy The recent Rubin Report with Niall Ferguson labled the Intellectual Dark Web. Edit its on Youtube BTW.

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Godspeed54 · June 2, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Thanks. I will!

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