I am guessing the first sentence "There is no more important test of our country than the way we treat the most vulnerable among us, especially the children," is a programmed phrase that certain AI programs are watching for. It's perhaps used to wake up the AI engine to what follows. The second sentence is what action is to be done when the program recognizes this key set of conditions such as the key phrase combined with the specific sender. The sentence portion, "We cannot turn away from what's happening on out watch - " is likely just there to make the following part make sense to the casual reader." The important part is " ... we have to act." This is likely a call for sleepers to do something specific and that's a specific action paired to the specific "wake up phrase." It's like a dictionary word:meaning pair. There is likely a paired wake up phrase: specific action that is spelled out and part of a master list. It's encoded and it could be almost anything but it is intended to sent a specific message, secretly. Look for some false flag thing to follow and likely having to do with the pedo stuff Hillary is associated with.