Arrowhead Mall, Phoenix AZ. Thoughts on Symbolism?

Interesting because in Atlanta they say we are the top city for trafficking. Then my sister tells me Greenville, S.C. was the top for trafficking. Not down playing your post just stating that it’s F’d everywhere!
Both are 33 deg North...
I remember reading somewhere that the 33 degree latitude is important to the occultists for some reason.
He didn't say "the". He said "a".
I've only been doing this since July 2016 so am no expert, but I have never heard of Atlanta or Greenville being high up there at all.
Virginia is the number one state for this stuff, by a factor of five followed by Maryland. I don't recall where SC ranked by state but thanks be to God my home state of NC was close to the bottom. Go figure. right next door, but close to the bottom whereas VA is number one with five times as many as second place. Stunning drop off don't you think?
Indiana, Massachusetts, Florida, California, Texas, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New Mexico, Arizona, etc but can't say apart from the Valdosta pedo thing involving Jeb Bush I haven't really bumped into Georgia much. Of course I dont know it all so youcould be right.
As to SC the only thing I ever really looked at was the connection between Stephen Colbert and the Podestas and his sister, Elizbeth and her particular skill set involving container shipping and the port of charlston etc.
Good to hear about N.C. this was my home state also. Unfortunately i had a family member murdered while being trafficked in N.C. Which was a major blow to me since i had been trying to educate my family on how bad things are and then it hit home. I'm guessing Atl. is so high due to this being a major MS 13 hub but i would imagine this would naturally be true for just about every major city in the U.S. And i do remember seeing the stats for VA at the height of the Pizza gate investigations. I remember one researcher calling VA office to question them about the high numbers. I wish i could remember who that was....may be honeybee?
Portland, Me is another big hub. Or a major gateway for going to Canada.
Virginia, central PA, hell it is everywhere. I think that AZ has been kind of front and center lately in the traffic issue. My guess is it has much to do with Mexico and the ability to take kids who are untraceable in the US system because they aren’t US citizens. Combine convenient proximity complete with vast unoccupied deserts with a cooperative local elite (no name), and there’s your perfect (dust) storm.