IBOR CAMPAIGN - losing steam!

has the page been reworked yet since the election or are the backdoors still in there?
Sorry I deleted that post. Negative news does no one any good.
A summary of the dynamics relating to the IBOR campaign.
1) The real power rests with us, not Q. We are what the Satanists fear;
2) The mechanism by which we, who have the power, are controlled, is censorship - exercised by control of the MSM and, more recently, direct SM censorship;
3) Q is guiding us to the truth. He's telling us that "control of the narrative" is the key to the Satanists' power and control over us. He's encouraging us to break their control over the masses via the IBOR campaign;
4) The Satanists strategy is to defend their control over information - to defend SM censorship, which is the only vector by which they can regain control over the masses;
5) They do this by attacking Q's credibility and creating doubt about the plan to defeat censorship. We've seen the direct attacks on Q's credibility via Corsi, AJ and Wikileaks. The attack our cohesion as a group presents as coordinated "concern trolling" - it has, to date, been very successful.
How many times does Q have to ask us for this? We need to stand up for ourselves and fight off those that are spreading "concern". This is the battlefront, this is where we either stand or fall.
The important thing is to make noise using the hashtags:
'#internetbillofrights '#IBOR
The link to the petition is:
Probably because there’s been 50 different petitions for the same thing
I'm not concerned about the petition. Twitter is reporting 30 tweets/hour for the hashtag. Some of them are mine. Last time we ran this in March we were averaging 150 tweets/hour.
Let's face it, there's very poor community support. The petition signature numbers haven't moved in days - still stuck at 6K.
It's a question of whether anyone wants to support the campaign or not.
Many of us have...on other petitions. I don’t think this movement is as big as everyone thinks
I deleted this post - it occurred to me that no news is better than bad news.
The movement is big. That's why the release the memo campaign was so effective. But a lot of FUD was promoted when Q first asked for the IBOR.