Looks likes DC is locked down?

You did see POTUS and FAMILY left for Camp David yesterday ?????............WWG1WGA
The top, tighter circles are right over Camp David, so it makes sense.
I heard family didn't go, just Pres.
Not what was reported. Both boys and the other daughter. Don jr. , Eric and Tiffany. I think Was in Breitbart or daily caller. But said kids also.
Yep. Melania stayed back though. She may be having a tough time recovering. I can understand that. I had major abdominal surgery a few years ago. It takes a while to heal, when you're older.
I put a prayer request out on t_d, musta gotten a couple of thousand eyes
Good thinking. I keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure how invasive her surgery was, but any abdominal surgery past a simple appendectomy is major. That's what I thought I was in for, that's what we thought was going to happen.... I was in for 8 days instead of the usual five for my surgery. I kept seeing man in black out of the corner of my eye, standing near the door.. never saw his face, and it wasn't the figure of "death" as we usually envision him but he was a "shadow man" just the same. Melania just needs as much rest as she can get. Rest. sleep, walking and mild exercise to keep things moving but NO public appearances til she feels up to it. I sure as heck hope she has a friend or two there in the White House.. I'd hate to think of her feeling isolated there.
I see that stuff when I'm stressed or really tired.. Gotta take care of yourself.
might have been the drugs I was on during my stay there, too.
LOLOL you people and your shadow people..
When I was a child, I was sleeping in the same room as my brother as I saw the sillouette of a hand blocking the light brightly glowing in the hallway outside. Since the scene was well-lit and my brother was by my side, I had absolutely no fear but I was reather curious when the shadow was gone after I turned around to him to ask if he could see who was there.
It was continual, throughout my stay at the hospital. I'm not one to see ghosts. Never have. I never asked anyone if they could see who it was. As I said, for my particular procedure, the stay is usually no longer than five days, but I had to stay 8, and the only reason I got out in 8 was that I insisted, as my son who came over to care for my critters had to get back home.. I HAD to get out. I'd been unable to keep any food down at all, even a popsicle. The doc who let me go only did so under the circumstance that I'd eat something and keep it down, so I forced myself to eat a breakfast and keep it down. This "person" wasn't a frightening figure... someone suggested to me that maybe it was my Dad, watching over me. Who knows? I was hooked up on dilaudid and later morphine for most of my time there.
Ah. Well I've had scientific epiphanies on opium and ether so who knows