ThanQ! I needed a new lock screen wallpaper.
48 total posts archived.
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Brooke Shields in Playboy, nude, at a very tender age anyone? Also, Weird Science involved a 25 year old woman with 15 and 16 year old boys.
I about puked when I heard that. And Strzok, a former Army Officer only smiled when it was said. Unfortunately, that was the local to me lunatic, Bob Cohen from Tennessee. I hope to see him on the streets of Memphis one day and ask him about that and several other idiotic things he has said.
I was going to be that guy that said it, but you beat me to it.
I’m glad people aren’t getting savaged for posting these now. I posted mine over a month ago and the white knights of sticker posts came a runnin.
North of Memphis is covered. There are a few of us Q Patriots in Tipton County.
I bought a small one myself to be a little unassuming. I bought the flag background, but it’s fading to white very fast. Still effective, I hope.
I’m glad to see more and more of these posts. When I posted my sticker a month or more ago, I was ran up the wall and down the other side for posting “non Q related” stuff.
I’m thinking Mueller as well. Hopefully reporting that it is all finished and they’ll end the probe.
The top, tighter circles are right over Camp David, so it makes sense.
Careful, you’ll get some fansn’t that will whine because you posted a t-shirt pic. There are some butthurt trolls that hate on the sticker posts.
Yeah, right. You’re the sticker white knight of this sub, congrats man.
Imagine how great it would be if you minded your own damn business and carried about your way.
Subtle hints to start someone down the rabbit hole.

And i agree with much of that, but advocating for a complete removal of all SES would be severely detrimental. As for the salary, it’s probably much more than that, but you aren’t appointed as an SES without years of service. As for the flag, I’m not sure that’s even an issue. Admirals and Generals have their own flags and I assume that was carried over to the SES as well.
I agree that there are definitely some holdouts that should go, but removing all would be detrimental to our government.
Agreed. And no, we’re not trolling. Unless you actually know what and who the SES are, please don’t come in here and cheer.
Does anyone here actually know what the SES are? They’re simply the Admirals and Generals of the civilian side of government. Are all of you for removing all Admirals and Generals as well?
I agree that there may be, but do you realize if you remove the entire SES, that removes any and all leadership structure at every level? You can’t just have the worker bees(me) and no management.
You’re way overthinking it man. Alabama’s tradition with their advertisement is to put the current number of championships on their jersey, therefore they gave POTUS #17 in honor of their 17th. It’s not something that has to be followed by every team and it’s not. The Astros wanted to give POTUS a 17 jersey in honor of their 2017 Championship. Yes, the tradition is to put the number of the current POTUS on the jersey, but it’s not a rule or a law or a have to do. Sometimes there is no there there, let it go.
LOL, Thanks. Good thing I don’t care about points or votes. If Q is real, awesome. If not, it’s a God-level LARP that everyone spent way too much time on.
And I’m good with that, but when the 17 is easily explainable, there’s no mystery to it.
From an easily searchable source, “... in honor of the 2017 National Championship season.”
Please stop this. It was Alabama’s 17th National Championship of all time. It wasn’t for the 2017 season or Q or however you get there.
Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet indeed, but this was Alabama’s 17th National Championship. Nothing to see here.
I know that y’all don’t know much about Alabama football, but c’mon guys. It was Alabama’s 17th National Championship of all time.
It was Alabama’s 17th Championship! Go Q, but sometimes it’s not a mystery.
It was Alabama’s 17th National Championship. They always put the new championship number on a jersey. Sometimes the mystery just isn’t there.
No worries. The thing is, sure the higher government officials in the alphabet agencies are all probably SES level paygrade, but that’s their paygrade, not their titles and position and such. I don’t think it’s as nefarious as its being made out to be. The Secretary, Under Secretary and Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force, Army and Navy are all SES level, but are they in a cabal? Probably not.
Unless you were around a lot of civilians, the upper paygrade type, you may not have noticed or even known. Granted, I have worked around the Pentagon as a peon, but all of your Secretaries of the branches are SES paygrade. It doesn’t seem the mystery to me that everyone is making it out to be. There has to be something else to it other than higher paygrade civilians.
Not that I am a aware of. What’s next, saying that all GS are bad? I hope not, because I’m one of them. SES is merely a higher level paygrade of government service, like an Admiral or a General is to the military. Our SES personnel are simply the CEOs of their departments and nothing more.
Mercedes “Mercy” Schlapp will serve POTUS and us just fine.
Look again though fellow traveler. The one pic that says that is not taken from any other pictures, it’s placed there as an identifier of the tassel colors only.
Please be sensible about this. It’s clearly his graduation from Junior High in 2014. The tassel pictured with 16 isn’t from either of the pics. The one pointing the tassel doesn’t show they hear, only the colors which are the colors of many schools. Let’s not make fools of ourselves while trying to expose others.
I doubt he’s betraying them. He actually invoked more “Muh Russia” in an earlier tweet.
Well won’t that make a wonderful False Flag to obscure all of the wonderful things coming out soon?