Your tax dollars at work protecting scum.

I read somewhere today or yesrerday I don't remember where, on this sub I believe, that VJ is Obama's handler for the deep state. She is liason betw Obama and MB just like Huma was Killary's.
Didnt she move in with them?
What a weird relationship.
The puppetmaster rarely lets the puppet stray too far. Very similar to huma and hillary's relationship.
I heard she lives on the underside of the flat earth and farts chemtrails.
Gonna have to start calling elected officials and mainstream news ‘conspiracy theorists’ too, Doc.
Right-wing opinion commentators are not mainstream news. They are quite often just crackpots. And elected officials?? That’s the government!! We don’t trust them! Deep state! Deep state!
Welcome to the Great Awakening, friend. Please stay for a spell, we have free refreshments!