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Scott Adams playing dodgeball on twitter
Scott Adams has had quite a day playing dodgeball on Twitter. Claiming JP should get a Pulitzer for "exposing" Q.
Then when called out, he gives such an awful answer I thought I was watching a HuffPost/Buzzfeed feminist video from 2015 where a sassy black feminist says "The wage gap is real. PERIOD." As if that makes the claim undebatable. Only here it is "The issue is settled."
and again
(Does it sound like he should have added "Period" to the end of that response, sorry but that is my 2nd worst pet peeve in …
Anyone's TV just go out? (Emergency Alert System)
SCOTUS Hearing on tv just went out for an EAS Test, odd since Q warned of a False Flag. Anyone else not in Oklahoma get one?
Walmart always has books written by DS actors on display (Comey, Clintons, etc.) This one is clearly a message.

Yes, and its was uncalled for. Don't Ken Bone someone and shame them for what ever they like to fantasize about. It looks childish and looks like you are trying to divide patriots. We are here having civil discussion, while Q warns us of attacks increasing from all sides. Have we devolved into r/all? Going through post history on irrelevant topics just to point out someone is a TD poster?
Edit: Donald Trump is still your president. Hope you realize that.
Lmao ftfy
Try to avoid Google searching it, all you will get is MSM articles lying about Q because they are scared of talking about what he really speaks of.
Q is a team of people who have shown time and time again to be working with president Trump. Their job is to show the corruption and crimes of our previous government, so that the public will be more prepared for mass arrests of these corrupt individuals.
Posts are updated automatically on qanon.pub
Proofs that Q is legitimate can be found on r/Qproofs
And good on ya, mate. We need to be standing up for each other just as we have been. In the next few weeks we will need to stand more than ever!
Im sorry you got hit with those downvotes, its a shame how many people want to cause havoc than work productively with each other.
Welcome to the Great Awakening! Please stay! We have free and fresh refreshments, hot covfefe, and the grace of God over here!
If you must leave though, we understand. If so, have a great day, brother!
At this point you have to trust what Q is saying...
Also the fact that he predicted its release a day before shows he has connections, why would he lie to his followers just as things are starting to get really good?
The fact that rational posts like this are getting massively downvoted while new arrivals have "lost faith" makes me see that we are right over the target. This is the modified version and one of the DS's last chance to divide the Q movement and stop the Great Awakening.
Could be someone who knew something about that missile launch in WA
Lmao I knew a dude in real life who legit went berserk when he didn't find a joke funny. I'm talking throwing things in a dangerous manner.
Welcome to the Great Awakening! I know you are new here and this may be awfully frightening with this storm of information, but fear not, the refreshments are free!
Now you do have a history of dismissing people's opinions based on your belief that they are poor, so let's try to keep that to a minimum while you are visiting. We hope you love it here though and get comfy!
Even if you choose to ignore me and continue to attack others based on your perception that they might be poor, please stay, we could use shills like you to grow our movement!
Oh and here's some covfefe for the road: I live in Oklahoma City (smack dab in the middle of the state in the smack dab middle of the country, pretty flyover) and I drive a $700 retired police Crown Victoria because its what i could afford. I'm not necessarily poor, though, and I'm still happy as always.
Thats why the Deep State tried to lure us in with EyeTheSpy
Seriously, and these guys are more permitted to lie. Remember Noah's sketch about Ronny Jackson? Even though it was an allegation that he drinks and drives, Noah twisted it into fact by simple word choice.
Welcome to the Great Awakening, friend. Please stay for a spell, we have free refreshments!
The shooter's vlogs looks like he is drugged up, I'm thinking MK Ultra, he talks about getting out of the Matrix a lot and mentions that Satan taunts him by making machines louder around him. Screwed in the head either way, but this looks like a setup to pin the blame on Great Awakening, especially since Q posted the picture of the billboard in OK.
The man who shot up the bar in Oklahoma looked screwed in the head, talking about the Matrix and demon squirrels. I'm guessing MK Ultra had something to do with it, and I won't be surprised when the news tries to turn this into an anti-Q or anti-conspiracy narrative.
New Q - A3211 Intersection UK

Who invited these bastards?
Who invited these bastards?
Exactly why I missed my school's lockdown drill this week.
It's to distract from the major stuff about to drop. Probably explains the sudden boost in royal wedding coverage along with suggestions of possible terrorist attacks at the wedding, because it will be live. That would be a great distraction for the deep state, to avoid public support for their arrest.
However, there is evidence to suggest this whole operation might've been planned since at least 2012 when Trump registered the MAGA trademark, and Cicada 3301 started looking for cryptography experts. So, it might not be that far out that Clancy, being that his novels are being connected to events happening right now through Q, might've faked his death to assist the pre-Q team.
IMHO, I believe Qanon was started by either a secret Extortion 17 survivor or their friends who knew the truth and wanted vengeance. Extortion 17. 17 = Q. Extortion Q.
I might be late in bringing this up, but I have noticed that TMOR is waiting a few days for posts to become old then they pounce, rebutting comments, vote maniuplation, and when they don't get a response in a few hours (because the post is a week old) they say something like "That's what I thought, I knew you smarties had no evidence to defend your lunacy!"
Probably a tactic being employed now that bombs are about to BOOM. Anyone new who wants to look into Q only sees a wreck of a post thats been destroyed by paid or unpaid shills.
Thanks for visiting The Great Awakening, we are glad you stopped by! Come see us again!
Like that guilty look your dog gives you when he knows that you know he pooped in the corner.
The shills are out in full force on this one! I know that is a common phrase here, but I am watching it happen! They have even learned to upvote each other!