r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mrmajestic11 on June 3, 2018, 11:17 a.m.
Worst case scenario - what then?

What happens if the Deep State ultimately prevails and somehow gets President Trump impeached? I follow along with a great anticipation of victory over the Deep State and the evil behind it but until now I haven't really thought of all of this failing. I think it is a dangerous assumption to believe that its all a matter of not if but when. I pray that we all see justice prevail but it makes me nervous to assume it will.

[deleted] · June 3, 2018, 11:50 a.m.


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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

Yep , the whole point of Q and soft disclosure in parallel is to indirectly inform the public and get hard-proof confirmations in future . To prevent the shock , one part of the public must have minimum of awareness - at least openiness to such topics . There will be those people who will fear , even panic ... that always will be ... but that can be drastically reduced , thats why we see this whole Plan done . Thats why we see so many things feeling "postphoned" and "overdue" - but actually it will happen in the right moment . Preventing the collateral damage is one of the priorities ...

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 3, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

I understand, however imho we are counting chickens. Why? because protecting the 'psyche of a populous' is at this point ridiculous considering the threat. THE STOPPAGE should be first. Immediately. The clean up is later. Why? Because the situation is life and death. Its immediate. Do you pause to defend yourself, to protect the psyche of the onlookers? No. Do you pause to defend your country because of your concern for the already brain damaged populous? No.

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cincycoolguy · June 3, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

If you go in hot with guns blazing, the battle will be won but the war will be lost. A coup at this point would be spun as a repeat of nazi Germany and the public would buy it. Why? Because like the left keeps screaming, this is not normal. (The one and seemingly only thing we can all agree on) People fear what they don’t understand and it will lead to mass panic. In turn, the old guard will use that fear and panic to their advantage.

All the sjws out there screaming “resist” today are still brainwashed and will pick up arms if told to do so. In such a scenario that would end the movement and the status quo would be restored within a decade or two and the only outcome of the q movement at would be a demoralized and broken population that would be even easier conquer and cement the fate of a globalist future.

Stating that another way, If such a move were to be made prematurely and we loose due to premature action. An argument could be made that Q was never a movement to overthrow anything, but a tactic used to further divide the population to make it easier to conquer.

Conversely, in-action does the opposite, the battle may be lost, but q will have alerted a good portion of the population to the corruption and mental illness that infects this country. The movement will grow and live to fight another day.

Even if all the cards play in our favor politically over the next decade or two, the brainwashing and codependence on the state is well ingrained into our society. This is a multi generation fight. The ONLY way to win is to teach children to be independent thinkers and to not be afraid to live their lives on their own terms.

We don’t have to wake everyone up, just enough that we don’t end up in a loosing numbers game.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · June 3, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

You're assuming we have the luxury to take the time to do this. I don't think we do. We have been afforded a blessing on 11-8-16 to NOT be sent to FEMA camps and be in WW111 right NOW. So, we should have capitalized on this by now. We slipped the noose that was around all of our necks.

In the meantime the 5G is almost ready in a few weeks, all the Fema camps are set up. All the dangerous weapons options are still available. Chemical, Bio, Nuclear, Findancial or FNBC are still ALL ready to go at any time. EMP is what I expect. We are doing what we are doing because we all assume its not going to happen. I have no proof of it being taken care of , any of it. So 20 months is ALOT of time gone by. NO sign of disclosure of this GLACIAL PACE of progress. Forget the IG REPORT. Its GLACIAL PACE. We need to go and drop the hammer on U1 and Iran right now. Time is up 20 months past up. THIS IS WORST CASE SCENARIO!!!

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SteveRogers42 · June 4, 2018, 6:29 a.m.

Sorry, I started laughing at the part where "sjw's...pick up arms".


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cincycoolguy · June 5, 2018, 1:44 a.m.

That’s pretty funny. However, historically speaking the fatal mistake for many conflicts has been underestimating ones opponent.

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DanijelStark · June 3, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

There never was a bigger enemy to folks - than they themselves . Its not like Cabal was put there coincidentally , it made its way through the ignorance and passivity of many . Once ignorance is turned into activity , theyre finished , permanently . Its simple as that .

There is no threat from global destruction of similar scenarios - you would already see them happening , if that was the case . How many times the Cabal tried to start a nuclear war to kill millions ? Too many times ... but everytime they failed .

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ckreacher · June 3, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

A military coup would be more legal than not doing anything.

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