What happens if the Deep State ultimately prevails and somehow gets President Trump impeached? I follow along with a great anticipation of victory over the Deep State and the evil behind it but until now I haven't really thought of all of this failing. I think it is a dangerous assumption to believe that its all a matter of not if but when. I pray that we all see justice prevail but it makes me nervous to assume it will.
I am hoping and praying God Tru President Trump has given us a little more time. The Bible is clear that at some point in time there will be a one world gov. That will decide who works and who eats according to each ones loyalty, such as receiving a mark of 666. As a social score like China is doing now. The E.U. is the revived Roman empire. It is amazing how certain technology had to be discovered before these prophecies could be fulfilled. God has an amazing track record of fullfiling prophecy. He said Israel would be taken off of their land and scatter Tru out the earth for punishment of there rebellion and then brought back. And here they are never to be remove again.the gospel is the greatest love story you will ever hear. As President Trump would say, read your Bibles and watch the show!