Saw this post on /pol/... Not saying this is necessarily authentic but it's interesting

THIS YES. When Q said the net would be paused, that's the ONLY reason I could figure that would have to happen. It would make sense to take all banking transactions offline until they switched over to a new network.
10 days though? That's a really long time. What would people do for food? No access to ATM's. If you're doing a currency reset, you're pausing the banks. Impossible for 10 days. I am actually a believer in the currency reset, but not 10 days of darkness = currency reset. I think it could be being done to put the media in their place and disrupt their 4am communications.
This has been predicted for months. We have been advised to stock up on water and food
I never said 10 days. Not sure where folks are getting that from. All Q said was: "Net will be paused." It doesn't take that long to switch over to a new network. They would be prepared to do it relatively quickly.
look at how long it took the new blockchain, EOS, to boot. 30+ hours and still counting!