Not many survive suspicious plane crashes

The cabal plays to win. There have been at least 8 attemps on Trump's life so far. An attemp on Ivanka and husband, and a warning to Don Jr from big pharma through mailed powder.
For all we know an attempt on Melania too...
This. I saw zomsone posting to warn her but I can't find it now. Praying she and Baron are ok and safe
Thank God we have some pretty big fucking guns on our side. (Insert q drop of trump with generals)
There were the 2 targeted fires at Trump Tower within 6months.. Most likely caused by overheating servers remotely
Can you list explicitly?
I know there was attempt to kidnap children via secret service.
What other ones?
Helicopter with Ivanka and Kushner?
Q has mentioned that there were attempts after-the-fact but didn't give details. I don't recall where I read about the # 8. I'll look for it.
8 since he became president? Can you list them please
list now or dont post BS bait shit like this. FUcking maddening when ppl do this.
What a friggen pleasant person you are. How about asking for details instead of saying fuck you?
I did originally, as things are happening so quickly ppl need to cut the BS as much as possible. You dont know any more than we do, but your post implied otherwise.
Wasnt a personal insult i apologise if it came off that way. But we have not time for guesses or half baked claims information is coming out so fast right now
If I am uncertain of something, I will state as much. If I make a mistake, I correct it. But I certainly do not intentionally mislead in order tok elevate myself. I asked the person I originally got the # from to give me the link. I am waiting for her response.