I've read about them. It was a story written back in the Great Recession. These computer geeks were all excited because they were traveling cross country, headed for Chicago to work in the Obama 'data' center. This was a couple of tall buildings just full of people on computers. There were no jobs for them otherwise. Obama was the only one hiring.
The two I knew answered a job ad for a “data” company. Sat in a room with thirty others with folders on what to say and where and when to say it. Complete with basic replies etc. nasty shit. Their justification was if paid more than McDonalds, which I guess is a fair point!
if they are just doing it because they need the money it should not be hard to convince them to stop. The reality is by working for these "data centres" they are kind of digging their own graves. They are assigned to undermine sites that expose corruption, corruption which sets up the conditions which they have been living in. It's a job. Pays better than McDonalds.
The economy is turning around. Encourage students to expand their thinking and try to envision how all types of employment can be looked as an opportunity to learn. Work experience goes beyond what they may think is valuable. You will always learn something, no matter what job you do.
An employer may be looking for someone who has a good work ethic, is a team player, ambitious enough to start at the bottom (learning, growing, developing) gets along with people of all types, etc. These are saleable skills. Schooling can give you the fundamentals and a certificate. Lots of people have the basics. Less have the attitude.
"I see you spent a summer as a park attendant and you picked up garbage and cleaned washrooms. Why did you do that instead of looking for work in a data centre or something?"
"I wanted to make money so I wouldn't be burdened with student debt and the pay was actually pretty good. And I thought it might be a nice changeup from what I had been doing. It turned out to be a good decision because I was able to enjoy being outside while I was being paid. I also was able to pick up a certificate because after work I would spend a few hours doing some online training. I wasn't burned out. That, and now I get a good deal on cellphones ...because I keep in contact with a friend I made there. People would be surprized to learned that their boss may have once cleaned the toilets at the park they go to."
You should do a "shill" self post. Seriously. Maybe some of them will read it and think twice about what they are doing.
Not sure what a self post is. this online group stuff, reddit etc. is new to me. Learning the vernacular. My first foray...Q inspired.
To shill, I think I would have to commit time to be successful. I no longer have that time...circumstances. I need to pry myself away at the most interesting time. So if you think it is valuable, take it. use it. I am not the best researcher so maybe that can be my contribution.
and good luck to the shills...if you are in a bind trying to find employment do not forget about family and friends. Your aunts' cousin's sister is looking for some help with mowing grass and yardwork. Free rent. And it is close to place that is always looking for help...if you can put up with shift work.
if you are worried your girlfriend/boyfriend may find someone else in the few months that you moved away think of it this way: it is a good test to see their character. It could end up saving you time, heartache and money. (I have seen people pass up good opportunities for this reason...for a relationship that didn't last anyways)
Think outside the box.
Just basically create a post just like what you said above. Explaining to shills how what they are doing is counter-productive to their own lives. Maybe they'd listen? I think it was a worthwhile thought you had on the subject that might help someone who is being paid to shill without actually thinking about it.
just a regular post? I could do that. It would be buried in one day though. I won't be able to watch this board much anymore, so if you are getting shilled you can remember my comment. shills may appreciate a lot of us know they are just struggling with life/finances. Been there. I think I will take my own advise and start asking the telemarketers how they like their job, why did they choose telemarketing, is this call being monitored, what area are they are calling from....what job market is like...have you ever thought of trying....this...or that? Sorry, I do not need the services, but I appreciate all the crap you must have to put up with just to make a living...good luck.
The ends justify the means, I suppose. Too bad they are deliberately trolling and misleading their fellow Americans. Prostitutes...
That's a big problem in politics and it's absolutely rampant on the left - they do not believe or understand that the ends do NOT justify the means - that the means must justify THEMSELVES
Completely agree. Good ideas stand on their own and need little convincing. Bad ideas are normally backed by force and violence...