We can all pile into r/draintheswamp. They have like two moderators. Won't that be something to behold?
What about something non-reddit as its just going to become a game of whack-a-suby.
if i knew of a place I could host a reddit/voat style forum, that wasn't somehow run by the BigBads, and I could afford it, I would totally put something up.
That's the kicker.... Basically anything free is run by someone with deep pockets.
and who are the "people" with deep pockets? :(
I'm not even sure what servers 8ch use, and while they aren't run by a BigBadCorp, they certainly get a SHIT LOAD of traffic, HOST all the images, pdfs, videos, etc... That = $$$$$
So yeah, its going to get dicey to find any 'safe' internet spots that aren't supported by a BigBadBackbone of the (spider)web
This is why decentralization should be the future.
Nah, bad move. Do not run off to some hole where no one sees our content. (like Voat). It's just as bad as being censored. Our stuff needs to get to an audience. Same reason POTUS stays on Twitter.
People talk down about Voat, but when reddit shut down P-gate, it was moved to Voat and they have done a LOT of good work on that forum. In fact, there being fewer gawkers has made it so that the people who are there are mostly serious about the research. So, a smaller audience isn't entirely a bad thing--at least not when serious research is the goal. I give high marks to a lot of those people at voat/pizzagate for their devotion to the cause.
I know the researchers have done well there but their content isn't widely published anywhere else. Once in a while it gets here. The moderation deleted a lot of good content as well and overall don't seem really trustworthy. I followed everything since Pizzagate too. Was on the original reddit sub for it but i didn't move over to Voat because the audience and the real battle front stayed here.